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Dynamite Step Up Over Dabels' Debt
This is both a surprising and positive development.
I recently posted about Dynamite Entertainment's acquisition of various Dabel Bros titles. That they've committed to managing the publication of future works, retaining the Dabel brothers to put together the kind of deals that has garnered them attention in the past.
But the stench of debt to comic book creators from past Dabel ventures still hung over the deal. Well, Dynamite's Nick Barrucci has been doing his best to waft it away.
Dynamite has instigated a deal to all those owed money by the Dabels that either they will find a compromise payment that will settle all matters in full, or Dynamite will make a downpayment on the debt and commit to paying the full debt off over time.
Considering that Dynamite had no legal necessity to pay a bean, and that the debt was solely down to the Dabels' operations, this is one hell of a step up for the company.
In fact I can't think of a comparative action like this in the comics industry before.
I understand that some people have taken a compromise payment and others settled for a payment plan. Neither may be perfect, but with the Dabels, perfect was always going to be a long time coming. And one of the studios owed vast sums has reported to me just how pleased they are with the new situation.
Considering that most were not expecting to be paid at all and the rest had resigned themselves to a lengthy and costly legal fight, this has proved a very timely Christmas present for many.