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Lying In The Gutters – 7th June 2010
Welcome one and all! Another look through the week's stories for those who can't use the scroll key or who like their weekly e-mail fix. If you want to receive the Lying In The Gutters e-mail and still don't, look to the right of this web page where there's a spot you can put your email address in.
If you are receiving this as a weekly e-mail, hello again! Let's get on with things shall we?
Top Ten Stories Of The Week
As voted on by you, the Bleeding Cool reading public, by the articles you clicked on most.
1. Swamp Thing Returns To The DC Universe. And He's Bringing His Friends
A nice big scoop there to start last week with. Reaction has been thoroughly mixed, some seeing it as the end of Vertigo, some thinking it's about time, some asking why we can't have the best of both worlds like Marvel manages with The Punisher?
2. Is This Really The Worst Comic Of All Time?
A quick runaround trying to find people who had something nice to say about a certain Rise Of Arsenal #3 in the light of what seemed like a barrage of negativity. And we found one or two…
3. Downey Jr Buying Avengers Back Issues
Photos of Robert Downey Jr buying copies of Avengers… okay, yes, probably a publicity stunt, but what a fun one"
4. China Miéville Swamp Thing Series Binned?
Thefirst half of the two parter story, now confirmed by China himself.
5. The Look Of Thor
Someone else's exclusive leaked shots of concept art for Thor proved quite the lightning rod for interest.
6. Punking Pat Lee
Okay, that was fun. That was fun wasn't it? Fun. All sorts of fun.
7. VIDEO: Batman XXX A Porn Parody – The Official Trailer
It's still here! Back for its fifth week in the charts. Seriously people, this is a post from March…
8. Christopher Nolan On Batman And Superman Movies
A couple of quotes snipped from Empire's printed version of the magazine and there you go. Even if Comic Book Movie and /iFilm went and snipped those quotes from Bleeding Cool for their own reportage without a by your leave. How do we know? They kept a minor error in my transposition intact…
9. Back To Black With Spider-Man?
Nothing like a little internet casting rumour to get everyone's attention. And one that had no basis in reality whatsoever. Always the best kind I find.
10. Paul Cornell To Go DC Exclusive
Get used to these kind of stories, summer is on its way…
Bubbling Under
Not quite hitting the chart were lots of newsworthy stories, including Bleeding Cool's One Year Anniversary, Exclusive Wars, silly cover suggestions, Neal Adams and Michael Golden Batman, Captain America and X-Men swipes, DC hunting Top Cow artists, the importance of vampires, Joe Quesada's promotion, China's plans for Swamp Thing, Del Moro pulling out of The Hobbit, video trailer and review of the Marvel Madame Tussauds exhibition, new XIII creative team, X-Men shooting on this side of the pond very soon, the Mark Millar campaign starts now, Video of the new Fables TV ad and Batman getting arrested, Four New Toy Story Movies A Year and Marvel Trial Simultaneous Print And Digital Release and retailer reaction.
Five Stories You Should Have Read But Didn't
1. Alan Moore To Headline James Randi Benefit With Richard Dawkins
2. Rob Liefeld – His Moebius Phase?
3. Gary Friedrich Loses Ghost Rider Rights Legal Battle
4. Before Scott Pilgrim – Edgar Wright's Video For Bastardo
5. French Designers Take On DC Comics
And thanks again to columnists Adi Tantimedh, A Comic Shop and Martin Conaghan.