Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, dc, ed brubaker, kyle baker, why I hate Saturn
New Why I Hate Saturn From Kyle Baker
Why I Hate Saturn was one of the first graphic novels that I truly loved, less for the Thelma And Louisish plot, more for the bar dialogue, work that has rarely been surpassed in comics. Witty and wise, clever and funny, it was a sitcom as comic, just far better than anything on the screen at he time. It would be a while before Seinfeld.
It also helped that the art was fluid, yet based solidly in reality. A mixture of Tex Avery and Neal Adams. This was Kyle Baker and I was suddenly in love. Since then I discovered his true gem, The Cowboy Wally Show and have enjoyed every piece of his work since. But Saturn was my first love.
Getting your rights back from DC Comics can be tricky, even if the work is ostensibly creator owned, as Alan Moore discovered. If DC actively wants to get rid of your work, such as Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson's The Boys, that can make it easier. If you sold nothing, that can make it easier too – unless they think it could be a movie. If you've suddenly become hot property, it can be nigh impossible, as Ed Brubaker discovered when he tried to get Deadenders back, the series ignored by DC after publication for years suddenly saw a trade paperback issued, and the publishing rights retained by DC for a decade or more.
So how Kyle Baker got the rights to Why I Hate Saturn back, we don't know. But he posted to Facebook;
I own this now! And it's coming back with new episodes.
I always wanted to do a story where Cowboy Wally is forced to work with his ex-wife, who happens to be Anne from "Saturn".
Hmmm. Let me think. I own an animation studio and exckusive rights to ALL my characters. There must be SOMETHING I can do.