Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dc comics, wtf
Eight Of The Fifty-Two WTF Covers So Far… (UPDATE)
Courtesy of DC's Source, CBR, Newsarama, MTV, ComicVine and Previews, here are six of the DC new 52 WTF covers in full for April….
An accidentally released cover shows off the Unknown Soldier, a re-entry into the New 52.
Looks like the Dial is summoning icons from the rest of the New 52. It keeps the WTF reference on the cover. And finally justifies the fact that it's a DC comic and not a Vertigo book.
Earth 2 brings back a DC character into the New 52. Even if its another universe. Jack Kirby's Mister Miracle.
Gp on Bruce, shoot him.
Rumours of a new Batwing seem to be true.
And anyone who read Detective Comics #18 has an idea of what's coming in #19 now.
Stormwatch has a bit of a reboot.
Then there's Red Hood And The Outlaws but remember, this is a little old and subject to change.
Dial H For Hero probably works best as a WTF moment. But I prefer some of the Bleeding Cool artists' versions…
It wasn't far off, was it?