Cyborg Problems in Titans #19 and The Question: All Along The Watchtower #3 from DC Comics this Wednesday (Spoilers)
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: bat cow, Batman, dc, robin, scribblenauts, stephanie brown
"Bat Cow Is A Scribblenaut" – Dan DiDio
So it started as a discussion about a choice between Kraken and World Engines on DC Publisher Dan DiDio's Facebook page. And, as all things do, it turned to Donna Troy and Stephanie Brown. Specifically that latter's appearance in the upcoming Scribblenauts DC game as revealed at E3. But it didn't end there. Dan told his audience (and me specifically);
Bat cow is a scribblenaut too, share the love.
There you go folks, you heard it here second.
Of course, this now makes Dan DiDio a Bleeding Cool source…
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