Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, devil's due, entertainment, squarriors
We've Had Turtles. We've Had Rabbits. We've Had Mice. And Now… Squirrels.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Usagi Yojimbo. Mouse Guard and Mice Templar.
And now… Squarriors.
By Ashley Witter and Ash Maczko. Turning squirrels into the lead of a new action adventure comic book series. From Devils Due in December. And it looks absolutely gorgeous.
Or rather grotesque. Your call.
Am I the only one getting a Michael Zulli vibe from this? Either way, if the standard is this high, there is no way this won't be a hit. A massive hit.
There will be a crowdfunding campaign next month which should be fully funded about five minutes after going live. And the creators will be hosting Count-i-Con Comic Convention in Round Lake Beach, IL this weekend. Is anyone going? Do let me know…
And start pre-ordering the toys now.