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Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 15th June 2015 – Batman Begins

Batman41This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.

One day we'll have Star Wars for sale on the same day as Batman and then we'll see who the daddy is. But The Walking Dead was closest to taking the Batcrown today, and Starfire and Ultimate End both performed well in the race to the top with Saga on their tail…

  • 1. Batman #41
    2. Walking Dead #142
    3. Starfire #1
    4. Ultimate End #2
    5. Saga #29
    6. Spider-Gwen #5
    7. Detective Comics #41
    8. Harley Quinn #17
    9. Marvel Zombies #1
    10. Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan #3

Thanks to the following retailers,

Who had this to say,

Walking Dead barely hold on to beat Harley and Starfire.  Batman held strong as teh faithful deadpool fans try to buy up the Mrs title. Marvel takes the 5 thru 10 spots as Dc takes a rare 2,3,4 spots.    This week was more about back issues and trades for Secret wars and Civil War.  Fight Club sells out again as our back orders were not enough.

It looks like the new Dark Knight was able to topple the mighty Walking Dead this week in our shop. This week had a much better diverse range of books in our top ten than previous weeks. Chrononauts #4 sold exceptionally well here (probably because we have Millar and Murphy coming on Sunday), but I was really surprised to see Starfire on the list. Seems like DC could have another really big sleeper hit on their hands. We also sold out of Constantine day one, so while his TV show may be dead, at least he's got plenty of fans who want a new series!

Lots of people are coming in and picking up Secret Wars, many being new faces that want to see what all the hype is about. Many are also grabbing A-Force and Old Man Logan.

Nice to see regular DC COMICS again and have them returning to the TOP 10, with Batman #41 clearly leading the charts with DOUBLE the # of copies sold for the #2 slot.

Again, very happy to have my DC books back. Secret Wars still selling strong.
After a week, the numbers on Bizarro and Bat Mite have been surprisingly strong. DC You is looking good so far.

There was a troublingly large falloff on sales for the second issues Secret Wars limited series, with almost every book dropping by more than 50% over the first-week sales of the first issues–more than is typical for most series. Does that mean that readers didn't like what they found in the first issues? Very possible… Lots of people picked up Batman to see exactly what was going on, but there wasn't a lot of real excitement, just morbid curiosity.

Strong interest in back issues of Marvel's new Star Wars series, as well as some of the more successful Dark Horse Star Wars books (in particular, the Lucas Draft series). Also a strong market for Marvel Omnibus volumes–Marvel is leaving money on the table by not keeping these books in print, but the collectors' market is stronger than ever for the ever-dwindling copies we still have in stock!

Strong sales for books and if not for Spider-Gwen the top three spots would have gone to Batman titles.Marvel could not even come close to the numbers with many books barely selling more than 25 copies with the exception of Captain Marvel and that was only because of the action figure variant.

Batman was the winner for new books and back-issue alike. The only strong issue that sold double digits other than Batman titles was the Forever Evil #7 since people are finally remembering that the Anti-Monitor is on the last page.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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