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How Civil Warry Is Your Civil War II Crossover Today? From Choosing Sides To Ultimate Avengers
There are a bunch more Marvel Civil War II crossovers published today. But as we know some are hardly even pretending to be Civil War II crossovers. So, depending what you want from your Marvel Comics, which should you choose? We'll be scoring them with Bruce Banner heads, the more heads the more Civil Warry the comic book.
Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5 is a mixed bag. The Alpha Flight strip by Chip Zdarsky and Ramon Perez uses Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to give the Captain Marvel-aligned team a severe dressing down.
But also reveals that he's a secret sparring partner of Tony Stark. So he gets to have a go in that direction as well…
While the Colleen Wing story by Enrique Carrio/Annapaola Martello/Nolan Woodard has hardly anything at all to do with the Civil War II crossover.
That is the limit of it. While the Declan Shalvey/Jordie Bellaire Nick Fury story which has seemingly eschewed the crossover finds a way to bring it all in at the end…
So evening it out, here's the score out of 10.
Spider-Man #7 is written by Civil War II writer Brian Bendis and, with artists Nico Leon and Marte Gracia does the decent trick of following up plot points and themes from the main series rather well. Such as, if everyone has been exposed to visions of the future by Ulysses, how might that affect a young fellow's mind?
And as well as moral dilemmas, there's alco the social and racial undertones of the series that Spider-Man gets to explore.
As well as a reference that, when the original script to Civil War II #1 was leaked, Ulysses was called Homer. And so Bendis gets to make that reference too.
With all this going down, this might as well be Civil War II #4.5. But we can give it…
You know, when we first theorised how the Civil War II series would go thematically, and lucked in with our Hawkeye-shoots-Hulk guess, I considered using #GreenLivesMatter in a headline, but thought better of it.
But Ultimate Avengers, by Gerry Duggan, Ryan Stegman and Richard Isanove, get away with it in the voice of Deadpool. In fact most of this comic is a Deadpool comic, as he tries to bust out Hawkeye. In fact this would earn a bevy of Banner heads for that alone, but we also get a vision of the future of the comic book as well, which might suggest that IVX crossover to come…
A new future for the Marvel Universe?
Break out the heads!
I have to say, this week, everything's getting a lot more Civil Warry than these crossovers usually go. Guardians Of The Galaxy , called here by Captain Marvel to take part is very Civil Warry in all sorts of ways. Again written by Brian Bendis with art from Valerio Schiti and Richard Isanove, this is also way up there.
Seeing the intergalactic possible ramifications of the storyline. Catching Kitty Pryde up on all the recent Marvel Universe details, who is fighting who and why…
…and then remembering that they have a connection to one of the fellows who started off all this mess…
Oh yes, Thanos and Gamora… and Thanos trapped in the basement. So, yes, all sorts of Civil Warriness here.
Even Spider-Man 2099 #14 by Peter David, Will Sliney and Rachelle Rosenberg, whose previous Civil War II crossover was as minimal as possible, tackles the storyline briefly from the opposite line. Telling the upcoming future from the point of view of it being the distant past…
Bad things happened. Or rather, will happen.
Indeed, bad things are happening over in Ms Marvel #10, a title by G Willow Wilson, Takeshi Miyazawa, Adrian Alphona and Ian Herring that has both tied into the Civil War II storyline well but has also drawn its own parallel themes with Ms Marvel's family history with skill and aplomb,
Also, plenty of kudos for a character with interesting, concentrated freckles. Not a look you see often in comics outside of Crossed.
Rocket Raccoon & Groot #6 by Nick Kocher, Michael Walsh and Michael Garland provide the light comic relief for Civil War II, ultimately entrenched in Ulysses predictions, even what seem to be the more trivial ones and the more speechifing aspect of Captain Marvel.
Although we do get a Gwenpool appearance along the way, and she's making the same kind of gags that Deadpool did… And there is also an upcoming future hinted at as well. An alien invasion? In New York? Where does that happen?
So even though it's ludicrous, they get a bevy of heads as well!
So this week, don't be suspicious about the Civil War II logo on your comic, chances are it will actually make a difference this time.