Posted in: Movies | Tagged: batfleck, Batman, ben affleck, chris terrio, dc, fede alvarez, justice league, matt reeves, ridley scott, the batman, Warner Bros
Batfleck No More?! Ben Affleck Reportedly "Wants Out" Of Batman Role
Bleeding Cool has been reporting on Ben Affleck's wishy washy comments about The Batman for months. Affleck was originally supposed to write, direct, and star in the film. However, he repeatedly made comments to the effect of saying that he would only direct the movie if the script was going to be good.
At the end of January, Affleck dropped out of directing the film. We also learned that the script was already rewritten once by Chris Terrio, and reports are conflicting as to whether it will be rewritten again when a new director, rumored at this time to be Matt Reeves, comes on board. Ridley Scott and Fede Alvarez have also been rumored as "backups" in case Reeves doesn't work out.
Bleeding Cool theorized that Affleck, fearing a repeat of his post-Daredevil career slump, was executing an exit strategy to get away from the Batman role entirely.
Now, on the Collider Movie Talk show, John Campea claims to have heard from three separate industry sources that this is indeed the case. Campea prefaces his claims with a warning that he's been wrong whenever he tries to break a "scoop," and advises people to take what he says with a huge grain of salt, but he then goes on to say:
I've talked to three separate people, both in one way or another connected in some way to what's going on at Warner Bros. What all three have told me was that — nothing about whether the script was thrown out or whether they liked the script, nothing about the direction Matt Reeves it taking it, none of that — but one of the things that has come out of the conversation with all three is this. They're telling me that Ben Affleck, make no mistake, he does want out. He doesn't want to to be Batman anymore, is what I was told.
Again, Campea hedges repeatedly, practically begging viewers not to take him at his word, but he continues:
I have been told that Affleck is talking with Warner Bros in an attempt to get out of being Batman. And that if they do not let him out of being Batman, the standalone Batman film that ultimately happens will be the last time we see Affleck as Batman.
Watch it for yourself below:
Is this the end of Ben Affleck as Batman? If this story continues with its current pattern, Affleck will make a statement sometime in the next week claiming to be firmly committed to playing Batman for a longtime to come, and then drop out officially a week or two later. Of course, we'll be following closely, so stay tuned! Same Bat-time, same Bat-website.