Posted in: Comics, Cosplay | Tagged: HRL
The Supergirl Cosplayer Who Went To Charlottesville – Guess Whose Side She Was On
Update: Read our exclusive interview with Norris right here.
This is Alisa Norris, a well-known cosplayer, also known as Alisa Kiss, who has appeared in costume at many comic con-style events over the years, as many characters — though Supergirl appears more than others — and has a strong following on social media. She has extended that appeal into other areas of her business.
You can see more of her cosplay work here. Here's a small example.
But then she talked about going to Charlottesville for the marches the other day. Nothing unusual about that, many people have. But it seems she wasn't on the side one might expect to find Supergirl. And she had some things she wanted to say about the counter-protestors there, replying to a post by Rodney M Hall.
Well now. People started to react to this news, but possibly not in the way Alissa was expecting, as Facebook user Russ Matthews made sure people knew what was going down with one of their favourite cosplayers. As it stands, all her current Facebook pictures of her pets, her friends and her partner Jonathon, are getting responses calling her a racist, white supremacist, and Nazi. Something she wanted to counter.
Not at the march? Video evidence seemed to contradict that claim. We see this pair.
Identified as her partner Jonathon Norris, alongside her in the march, chanting white supremacist slogans. And who has just updated his profile picture.
And if there could possibly be any doubt, this started to be shared.
As a result of the furore, her adult entertainment site on has been closed down with the webmaster replacing it with this message.
This site is now closed. All current members will be REFUNDED over the next week.
I have worked as the webmaster here for well over a decade, and known Alisa for far longer than that. I have always found her to be an upstanding and TOLERANT person in all my dealings with her, but I just cannot condone participation in that march. The whole thing is baffling, as if it was orchestrated, but it still was a choice. A choice to go there, and then a choice to stay there and march. So, I'm making a choice to quit and to denounce it. We are all responsible for our own choices in life.
I support everyone's right to free speech, but to practice free speech means you must accept the consequences of that speech. Spreading hateful rhetoric, or supporting those who spout its poison, only serves to move people in the wrong direction.
Do not accept racism or anti-semitism of any kind. Nor identity politics. Nor Fascists OR Communists, either. We do not have to make choices between any of these systems of control. It is all abhorrent behavior.
Wake up EVERYONE and stop being pawns.
Man, cosplay shots in the future might become a little more on the awkward side…
I reached out to both Norrises for further comment earlier today. Jonathon did not reply and Alisa told me she was unable to talk at the moment, but might comment later. Shortly after we sent messages across, Alisa deleted her Facebook page. And criticism has now started to move towards her Instagram account instead.
In other Cosplay news, Cosplayers Rally Against Hate is being held at the Phoenix Convention Center next Tuesday evening.
Errata: A misidentified cosplay photo was included earlier, swiftly removed and corrected