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Fantastic Four "Kids" Movie Is A Rework Of Mark Millar's Kindergarten Heroes
In February 2012, Mark Millar announced Kindergarten Heroes, a children's book about young superheroes to be drawn by Curtis Tiegs and to be published by Edinburgh publisher Books Noir. The book was described as being completed, but never published, and the publisher seems to have disappeared.
But it was enough for Millar, in 2013, to pitch it to Fox and get it optioned.
Mark Millar sells a lot of his comic books as movies. Some get made as movies, some don't — and now some get sold en masse to Netflix. But Kindergarten Heroes may have a very different journey.
Because we have been led to believe from involved sources that the basis of Kindergarten Heroes, a screenplay of which was written by Carter Blanchard, has now become the basis for developing the Fantastic Four Kids movie we scooped a few months ago, that got underlined a little by the Hollywood Reporter.
Because while they have also talked about a Doom movie, the Fantastic Four Kids movie, starring Franklin and Valeria Richards, is still also being developed.
And what was going to be Kindergarten Heroes has now been merged/stripmined to create the new Fantastic Four kids project, the current draft of which we heard was written by Seth Grahame-Smith.
Mark Millar was, at one point, employed by Fox as a creative consultant to oversee their X-Men and Fantastic Four movies as a cinematic universe, and the most recent and heavily criticised Fantastic Four movie drew heavily from the Ultimate Fantastic Four comic he co-created.
While it was noted that Kick-Ass and Kingsman were not included in the Millarworld Netflix deal, there was no confirmation that Kindergarten Kids was included.
Neither Mark Millar nor Curtis Tiegs responded to enquiries made yesterday. But, then, they wouldn't, would they?