Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, harassment, HRL
When Eddie Berganza Took Over Editing Poison Ivy, Amy Chu Rewrote It A Little…
Once upon a time, Amy Chu was the writer of the Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death mini-series for DC Comics. It wasn't meant to be under group editor Eddie Berganza's books, but then suddenly he was. Chu wasn't exactly happy about that, knowing stories about Berganza's harassment of women staffers well.
But rather than quit the book, she did something else. She rewrote issue 3 so that Ivy was able to take a plot between Poison Ivy and workmate Winston…
…that was focusing on unwanted attention and comments…
…and engage in a little revenge, when Winston comes by her house, threatening her for sex.
Poison had a different means of seeking out a fairer workplace environment than heading to human resources.
She even engaged in a little "take your kids to work" day…
When asked about the issue in question, Chu told Bleeding Cool, "Poison Ivy would never have gone to HR. She took care of things her way."
Thanks to WomenWriteAboutComics and PoisonIvyLeague.