Posted in: DC Universe, TV | Tagged: 2.0 Entertainment, cw, James Olsen, Kara Danvers, morgan edge, supergirl, television
5 Things We Want to See in Supergirl Season 4
It's the last day of June, and we're already starting to get casting notices from some of the shows returning for another season. Some of the series we have a rough idea of what they have planned, while others are a completely open slate. Instead of giving you what we'd like the main plot to be for the season, here are a handful of things we'd like to see happen during the season. Let's move on to Supergirl season 4.
Give him something to guard
With James Olsen becoming Guardian, we had a season where he went out and patrolled the streets some with Winn in his ear, but he always went up against street thugs. It's time for him to get a real villain — someone with a name and a costume from the comics. Especially now that he's revealed who he is, having costume villain coming after him would make sense, and he needs to be more than just a plot device.
Bring back Kara Danvers
The third season had Kara stepping away from her human side at the beginning, but she gave up her job and barely did anything as Kara Danvers all season. I'm not much of a fan of the whole drama from having to keep a secret identity, but part of what makes her character work is her humanity, and she needs to reconnect with that.
Return of the Red Tornado
I've always been a fan of Red Tornado, and while I didn't think they did a great job with the character, I think the potential is there to bring him back and make him great. I think it would be a lot of fun to have Brainiac 5 find the Red Tornado android and bring him back with his knowledge and make him sentient.
Right up to the edge
One of the things that bothered me about season 3 was how the Morgan Edge story just faded away after the episode with Lex's battle suit. That feels really unfinished to me, and I hate that. Even if it's just one episode that wraps it up, they really need to address the fact he tried to kill kids to bring down Lena Luthor. He needs to go to jail. And while they're at it, at least reference what happened to Maxwell Lord.
That magic moment
I'm a little tired of kryptonite and aliens. It would be nice to see them force Supergirl to deal with her other weakness: magic. It exists in the Arrowverse now, so it would be interesting to see her deal with a sorceress of some sort. Put her against someone she can't just keep hitting until they stop. It would also be an interesting way to bring Zatanna into the Arrowverse and would be a fun ally for Kara.
Supergirl returns this fall on Sundays at 8 p.m. on The CW.