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Is Harley Quinn the Mother of Lobo's Daughter, Crush?
Okay, so this is a bit of a weird one. Teen Titans has seen the introduction of new character Crush, dubbed Lobo's Daughter. Discovered, like Superman, in a crashed space ship and raised by humans – though the similarity stopped there.
Crush naturally believes that Lobo is her father, and we have seen no real evidence to the contrary.
Her first cameo appearance in Teen Titans Special sells for $10 raw, around $50-60 CGC'd at 9.8. Her first full appearance i Teen Titans #20 goes for cover, but the 1:25 Crush design variant cover can sell for up to 200 notes.
Well it has been suggested by some that her origin lies in a certain Harley Quinn's Little Black Book #6 from Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda Conner and Simon Bisley.
In which Lobo and Harley Quinn repeatedly got rather snuggly.
Quite a lot.
Now we haven't seen any follow-up stories. And we really don't know the ins and outs of Czarnian biology nor how it relates to that of humans.
Czarnians were meant to reproduce by spilling blood and the like. But Lobo has been portrayed repeatedly as a sexually active character before.
Is there any chance we could have missed out an entire story about Mommy Harley? And would she really go back in time and leave her child for a couple of morons to find, so she is brought up in rather challenged environments?
No idea… but that is what is being suggested by some…. co-creator Adam Glass did say that Crush's mother was 'one of the biggest hitters of the DCU' and asked us to think who would be with Lobo? Well here's someone who clealry would…