Posted in: Arrow, Batwoman, Black Lightning, CW, Preview, Trailer, TV | Tagged: arrow, arrowverse, barry allen, batwoman, black lightning, bleeding cool, cable, comic books, Comics, crisis, crisis on infinite earths, cw, david harewood, dc, dc comics, episode 22, gran gustin, J'onn J'onzz, jon cryer, Kara, kate kane, lamonica garrett, Legends of Tomorrow, lex luthor, melissa benoist, monitor, oliver queen, Ruby Rose, season 4, stephen amell, streaming, supergirl, television, The Flash, the quest for peace, tv
'Supergirl' Season 4 Finale: Guess Who Showed Up for Some "Crisis" Management? [SPOILERS]
So that explains the Monitor image LaMonica Garrett tweeted out on Friday!
If you caught Sunday night's fourth season finale of Supergirl "The Quest for Peace," then you know the CW is now three-for-three when it comes to season-ending cliffhangers that lead directly into this year's "Arrowverse" mega-crossover event "Crisis on Infinite Earths" (more details on that below). After a ominous conversation between Eve (Andrea Brooks) and a creepy old lady regarding Leviathan being "everywhere" and "everyone" (think Unity from Rick and Morty… but without good intentions), we cut to the location shown in Garrett's image. The Monitor is speaking to a hooded figure, telling him that now is the time for him to lead "his people" and to take revenge on his captor… and brother: J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood).
Meanwhile… just because Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) may have shuffled off this mortal coil (???) doesn't mean his role in the upcoming "Crisis" is over just yet…
Viewers can't say they weren't warned in advance. At the end of 2018's CW Arrowverse "Elseworlds" crossover that brought together The Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl (and almost DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but they let it go to machine), we saw that the end was only the beginning… of the end. As Barry (Grant Gustin) and Oliver (Stephen Amell) shared what felt like a final toast and Kate Kane's Batwoman (Ruby Rose) returned to protecting the streets of Gotham – with a sense that something felt a little off – we got a small taste of what's still to come in 2019…
"Crisis on Infinite Earths!" Worlds will live! Worlds will die!
And the CW's "Arrowverse" will never be the same…
At CW's 2019 May Upfronts presentation on Thursday, the network offered a few "'Crisis' management" clues for info-starved fans. This year's "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover will include Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, and Batwoman; the entire story will be five hours long; and the event will air over two quarters (3 episodes in December 2019, 2 episodes January 2020). There were initial concerns that DC's Legends of Tomorrow would not be involved – as the series won't be returning until midseason – but it would appear those matters have been resolved.
Curiously enough, Black Lightning is not listed as participating in the crossover event – surprising considering the "infinte earths" aspect lends itself to "guest appearances" from a number of televised DC properties (past and present) that aren't directly connected to the CW's "Arrowverse."
For most of their respective seasons, things have been "All Quiet on the 'Crisis' Front" when it came to Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl – but that started changing with this past week's season finales of Arrow and The Flash.
In Arrow season finale "You Have Saved This City," the Monitor returns to cash in on the favor that Oliver owes him: help him save the multiverse – taking a moment to tell him the "fine print": Oliver's going to die during "Crisis" and there's nothing the Monitor can do to stop it.
Then there's that matter of Future Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and the trip she's taking with the Monitor to see Oliver… somewhere… and it's apparently a place she can't come back from. Hmmm…
Meanwhile over at The Flash season finale "Legacy," some recent maneuverings with Time has moved up the date on Barry's "red skies/2024" newspaper warning just a wee bit… to say, 2019?