Rich Johnston Archives

UK Kicks USA's Ass Over Launch Date
Oh you Americans. You get your Pixar films months before us Brits do. You got Bad Santa a whole year before we did. And Hamlet 2 didn't even reach us,
Short 'n Curlies #23 by Si Spurrier
Apparently it's Christmas. Sheltered as I am from such festive frippery in my sticky saunapit of meat-flavoured bitterness; sick as I am with the taste of
Disney Launch iPhone And PSP Comics
Already popular in Italy, Disney have just launched their digital comics line on the iPhone and PSP in the US and UK. Already published by Boom!, these
Wednesday Morning Runaround
NightWatch: So... will today see copies of Blackest Night #6 leak out of shops a week early? Or will everyone hold onto them fearing the wrath of DC
Is $9.99 The Golden Price Point?
Manga titles have known this for years. It's the price of the first Chew trade paperback. Vertigo have had a spate of them, Crossing Midnight, Unknown
Do Anything 025 by Warren Ellis
025 Engineer Tony Visconti has set up three microphones in front of David Bowie, with volume-triggered gates on them. It was a huge room in Berlin,
Never Cross Noel Clarke On Twitter
Noel Clarke is probably most recognised on the street for playing Mickey Clarke in Doctor Who, the first black Doctor Who companion. But he also wrote a
Lying In The Gutters, 21st December
Ho ho ho. Right that's Christmas festivities done. Bleeding Cool will be posting on Christmas Day will all sorts of goodies to entertain you after the
Not For The Chop: Checker Publishing
All their titles listed with Diamond Comics Distributors had been cancelled. Their web site had  vanished in the last few days. It appeared to some that