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Marvel's Jessica Jones Season 2, Episode 6 Recap: aka Facetime
This article contains spoilers for Marvel's Jessica Jones season two episode – aka Facetime.
The wall of the aquarium bursts and water goes everywhere. Jessica (Krysten Ritter) tries to follow Dr. Karl (Callum Keith Rennie) and the Mysterious Woman (Janet McTeer) but they get away before she can catch up. She sees that there is a security camera for a shop that would see the license plate, but the place is closed. With nothing else to do, she heads back to the office then up to see Oscar (J.R. Ramirez), whose son is with his mother. They have a drink and then it turns to sex on a paint covered canvas. Trish (Rachael Taylor), still on the second puff of the inhaler, hits the streets looking for trouble and ends up kicking a potential mugger off the bus… literally. Jessica then wakes to find Oscar painting her as she slept. It's awkward and she leaves. Malcolm (Eka Darville) see the ring on Dr. Karl's finger in one of the photos and recognizes it as a school ring from the college he went to. Jeri (Carrie-Anne Moss) returns from buying Inez (Leah Green) the things she needs. She ask Inez about IGH, but doesn't get very good information.
The store owner, an illegal, only shows Jessica and Trish the video after they promise to not call ICE or the cops. The video shows that Dr. Karl had to drug the Mysterious Woman to get her into the vehicle. At the college, Malcolm sees his ex-girlfriend and tries to make amends, ending with a hug which he uses to lift her student ID. He goes into the library and finds an old yearbooks showing Dr. Karl Malus, Bio-Chem. He and Jessica tie Malus to the owner of a hosier website named Justice Ambrose (Mel Johnson Jr.) who has been paying of of Malus' expenses for a long time. Jeri calls Jessica and tells her that Inez has to be out by the next day. Inez hears this and starts grabbing jewels and drugs to take with her only to discover Jeri's secret.
Trish and Jessica go to a country club where Ambrose is playing golf. It's men's only so Trish distracts the guards while Jessica hops the fence and finds Ambrose. She tells him she wants to talk about Dr. Karl and Ambrose is happy to. He shows Jessica a baby picture of his son with a severe birth defect. Malus risked his career on an experimental procedure and not only saved the boys life but made it a normal life. Ambrose is more than happy to pay for Malus' expenses to say thank you. But he won't give Jessica info on how to find Malus. Trish on the other hand is coming down of the inhaler hard and throws up on the guards shoes. Then frantically searches for the inhaler but it's not there. Jessica has to take her home. Trish claims it's food poisoning, but when Jessica finally leaves, she starts tearing her apartment apart to find the inhaler. Ambrose calls Malus to warn him about Jessica and we see that he has the mysterious woman strapped down to a bed in restraints. He wakes her and tells her that Jessica is coming.
Malcolm finds Trish's coat and inhaler on his desk. He calls her. Inez confronts Jeri about her ALS. Jeri gets pissed and tells her to leave, but Inez admits she didn't say everything she knew about IGH. That there was another patient, a young boy that could sometimes heal people. He healed Inez' wounds or she wouldn't be able to walk. Jessica returns home to find Oscar's painting of her against her door. It's exactly like a David Mack painting. Malcolm arrives at Trish's and gives her the inhaler. She takes her third puff and then starts kissing Malcolm. They have sex on the couch.
The next morning Jessica talks about how the line keeps moving and she keeps crossing the line. She threatens Ambrose's son to get the information she needs about Malus. She drives out to the house with the fire pit from last episode and lets herself in. She finds the stairs down to the basement and a secret room. She also finds a song and perfume that seem familiar to her. Then she finds a picture of herself and her younger brother. She turns to see the Mysterious Woman a few feet away and Malus behind her. The woman removes her wig and tells Jessica, "It's me." And Jessica realizes that this is her mother, Alisa Jones.
You could sense that they were building to something family related here and where I had thought maybe the woman was Jessica's mom, the news about the boy healer made me think it was still going to be the brother. Turns out, nope. Jessica will probably not react well to finding her mother alive and a killer. Or maybe she will. Trish is on a downward spiral but Malcolm might be the perfect person to help her back up.
On to episode 7…