Posted in: Comic Show, Comics | Tagged: Batman, superman unchained, year zero
A Comic Show – Putting Joe Quesada To Bed
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes;
Hey Fandom! Thanks for watching A Comic Show's New Comics Now video! I'm Aaron, back from HeroesCon and ready to READ! Wow this week rocked for me!
First, let's talk Green Lantern Corps #21. John Stewart finally got the spotlight, and he has a message for Bleeding Cool- "Sorry– I'm not DYING today!". It's apparent the demonizing of the Corps with Third Army and First Lantern has also been the redemption of John. John Stewart Rebirth? He's a hero we all loved in the cartoon and wanted to love in the comics, but how do you really root for someone that's always so down on themselves? Salaak takes over the role as OA's mopiest Green Lantern, Soranik's still kicking, and the Corps is treated like white cops in the intercity. Van Jensen's run is off to a great start! Superman Unchained was off the chain! I grew in the 90's so I can say "off the chain". Really, I think this run will finally put that Joe Quesada quote to bed. And this is not a spoiler, its pure speculation, but I think the mystery man in the story is Majestic! Batman #21, Year Zero part 1, was great. Snyder's take on Riddler's off to a good start. Ales Kot's Suicide Squad run started last issue and its damn good, the kind of book I reread because it sticks with me. You know when you just randomly start speculating where a monthly book is going and who's going to do what while waiting in line at Target, then start texting your fan-friends about it? That's Kot's Squad. He nailed Harley this issue, check it out!
Bendis continues to wow me on Guardians of the Galaxy! Groot and Rocket Raccoon are my new Blue Beetle and Booster Gold! Deadpool's Tradd Moore cover is worth mentioning just for the awesomely violent energy he brings.
The creator owned books delivered this week with the big deal book being True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys! Gerald Way of My Chemical Romance and Umbrella Academy's new book is wacky superhero rock 'n roll nuttiness. This really does it for me, hits that Madman and the Atomics Allred button in my heart, partly because of the bold and beautiful Becky Cloonan art. Joe Hill's Thumbprint is a creepy war-at-home-torn-from-the-headlines thriller. Are the Abu Ghraib victims exacting revenge on US soil? Maybe. Oh, and I forgot to even mention Walking Dead, I read advance copies and talked about this week's issue in last week's video.