James Serafino sells the rights to his first comic, Time Traveling Dinosaurs, to Chronicle Books, for publication in 2028.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adam hughes, big wow comic fest, Comics, entertainment, frank cho, vampirella
And Finally…. Is Adam Hughes' Vampirella Meant To Look Like…? Frank Cho Thinks So
These are the pencils of an Adam Hughes image for Vampirella appearing at the Big Wow Comic Fest in San Jose.
And these are Frank Cho's inks.
I confess that I would never have seen this. But Frank Cho did. And now… I'm not sure. Cho says;
Every year at San Jose Big Wow Comic Fest, a popular comic book artist (or artists) allows other artists to ink their penciled art. This year, Adam Hughes did a wonderful pencil image of Vampirella for the rest of us to ink. Here is my inks over Adam's beautiful pencil drawing. (I took some artistic liberties with her hips since I like my women with some meat on them. Forgive me, Adam.)Now, I'm not sure if it was planned by Adam Hughes or not, but the overall composition of this art looks like that of a woman's vagina, complete with pubic hair. If my observation is correct, my hat's off to Adam for a job well done. I got a good chuckle after I finished inking and realized the subtle design. You're a man after Georgia O'Keeffe's heart, Adam Hughes.However if this is not the case, completely ignore this last paragraph.Many of these Vampirella art will be published in the Big Wow Comic Fest special Vampirella art book on sale at the show. This art book will have a very limited run. So if you want one, come to the show in April 18 – 19 at the San Jose convention center.
It may well be all in the mind… what do you see?

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