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Aquaman #2 Introduces The Blue To The DC Universe… Or Does It?

Aquaman #2 by Jeremy Adams and John Timms introduces The Blue to the DC Universe... or does it? (Spoilers)

Article Summary

  • Aquaman #2 teases the introduction of The Blue, a mystical force tying all water in the DC Universe.
  • The Blue parallels forces like The Green and The Red, offering a mystical connection to aquatic life.
  • Previously, Aquaman explored The Clear, a similar concept from creators Peter David and Jim Caliafore.
  • The Blue was also part of Earth 2, spotlighting the power of oceans alongside The Green and The Red.

Jeremy Adams has had a big idea for his Aquaman series, The Blue! Like The Green from Swamp Thing and The Red from Animal Man. Making its first appearance in this week's Aquaman #2, he tells the world…

The Blue
Aquaman #2

"There was just a mini eries of Jackson Hyde and Aquaman's kid, where they were going through the Confluence, which was kind of like an interconnected sea through the universe. And I was like "Oh maybe they're all under the umbrella of this thing called the Blue. You have the Speed Force, you have the Green, you have the Red. It makes sense to me, and it's probably because I'm steeped in the Emotional Spectrum, that there would be something called the Blue that connects all water throughout the universe, and also water being this kind of magical element that is the reason for life, you know, the reason for anybody existing on Earth… Obviously, I loved the idea of "The Green" when I read that originally, and I've even used it in the Green Lantern to hide the central power battery on Earth.I love the interconnectedness of it. I loved it with "The Red," because I was a big fan of Jeff Lemire's Animal Man, but I also really love Maxine as a character. And I thought, "Oh, that's really cool."

The Blue
Aquaman #2

He talks about it elsewhere as well, saying;

"It seems I would be like derelict in my duty if I did not see that water is the basis of almost all life. And if you have some something be "The Green," you should have something be "The Blue." And you know, perhaps I am just stuck in emotional spectrum land with Green Lantern, but it's like there are all these emotional colors. I would even say the Speed Force to a degree, if you want to say it's kind of light, you can say it has a yellowish aspect. So the color can encapsulate a great deal of things. The cool thing about naming it "The Blue" is that they've had different pieces of Aquamans mythology that tie into this idea, but it also puts it under a mystical umbrella, because water is kind of mystical. As John F. Kennedy once wrote, "We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the ocean – whether it is to sail or to watch it – we are going back from whence we came." That's how all life is able to exist, and it is in religious traditions, the way to wash away things, and all of that is really fascinating (I'm also a huge Stargate fan)."

But… Aquaman readers have been here before. In the Peter David run back in the nineties, we encountered something else. Or rather, Animal Man's aforementioned daughter, Maxine Baker, did.

The Blue
Aquaman #35

"The Clear". Soon, Aquaman started using it as well.

The Blue
Aquaman #35

The Clear… the force from which a number of aquatic-themed heroes or villains acquire certain abilities such as communicating with marine life, as well as utilising hydrokinetic abilities. This was created by Peter David and Jim Caliafore in Aquaman #35, named by Maxine Baker, and then followed up in Aquaman #36…


Or that, as the Green has the Parliament of Trees and the Red has the Parliament of Limbs, the Clear has the Parliament of Waves, first introduced by Mark Millar and Phillip Hester in Swamp Thing.

The Blue
Swamp Thing

Between the two, on Earth 2, Tom Taylor introduced the Blue as the power of the oceans, alongside the Green and the Red, with Azathoth being the Avatar of the Blue of Earth 2.

The Blue
Earth 2

(W) Jeremy Adams (A/CA) John Timms
ATLANTIS…OBLITERATED! After the shocking events of Aquaman #1, Arthur Curry is now a king without a home! But is hope truly lost? The answer lies in Aquaman's mysterious new water-morphing abilities, and a portal into the unknown. Earth's uncanny undersea hero must train like never before to stand a chance of recovering Atlantis from its untimely apocalypse…or should we say Apokolips? Ride the wave for the biggest, wettest adventure of the year in this second issue extravaganza–brought to you by the tide-turning talents of Jeremy Adams and John Timms! Retail: $3.99 In-Store Date: 2/12/2025

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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