Posted in: Comics | Tagged: captain america, Comics, iron man, shipping, steve rogers, tony stark
Avengers Trailer – Let The Shipping Begin
His hands are in Tony's hair almost immediately after he climbs into his lap, carding through brown locks as he presses their lips together insistently. This is fine, de-Cap'd Steve still kisses like muscley Steve (maybe even better?) except that holy fuck he's tiny (still taller than Tony). It's kind of hot that Steve is taking charge even when he's a tiny paper person. Like really hot. He groans into the kiss and that's when JARVIS informs them that Bruce and Clint are on the way and have expressed to him concern that Tony is 'corrupting' poor, innocent Steve. Like he hadn't done equal amounts of the corrupting. It's the smallness, the entire team has been on his ass about making sure he keeps an eye on Steve just in case he tries to spar or something or breaks his spine in half climbing rope. As if Tony even has one of those rope climbing exercise things in the house-he'd had enough of that crap in school and he's sure Steve had too.
"That was weird," Steve says as he climbs back to his side of the couch. – All The Small Things, haku23
He kissed me. "I am, too." Breathe, Tony. I'm acting like an idiot. "Not interested in men, huh?"
"I didn't think you were." Oh God, he's blushing. It's the most amazing thing ever, even better than turning on lights with my brain. "Look, this… It's not easy. Things are strange right now. But I want to be your friend again."
And here I was just thinking that Rhodey's the only friend I have. "Maybe more?" His ears are even turning red now. "Come on, you can't kiss a guy and then say you want to be friends without expecting a follow-through."
"Not you, at least." He kisses me again and— okay, yeah, I can definitely get used to this. "We'll talk about—"
"Incoming Transmission on data channel CNN. Filter: Norman Osborn. Breaking News." – Without Irony by tsukinofaerii
Shipping characters into slash fiction has been around for… let's go with "a while" shall we. From Victorian pamphlets to Tijuana Bibles and whole lot of people started writing fan fiction around Captain Kirk and Spock. Male leads in popular entertainment in strong relationships, it was only natural that people might play their own take into words. And the internet just made it blossom to the extent that no one bats an eye at Optimus Prime/Harry Potter tales of robot naughtiness in Hogwarts.
But the new Avengers trailer, airing yesterday, has spurred the creation of one meme that's been around for a short while. Tony Stark/Captain America slash fiction, into overdrive…
Expect lots and lots and lots of the above. And in every one, Captain America at some point saying "Mr Stark…"
Visual by Destiny Ponderosa.