Posted in: Comics | Tagged: batgirl, Batman, Comics, dc, dc comics, entertainment, superman
Batgirl Totally Just Saved Superman's Ass (SPOILERS)
From the new Batman/Superman comic book out today, a reduced-power Superman investgating conspiracies against him gets in trouble. How does he get out of trouble?
By Batgirl on a bike. Who, after taking him back to her place, removes his clothes.
Oh Barbara! What would Diana say? Not only she sort him out physically but she also sorts out all the strands he has tried to pull together over recent months.
She is after all a super librarian…
Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Where, in conjunction with the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, Orbital is pleased to present French artist Boulet in a special live-draw event with whiskey tasting on October 19th. Book now…