Posted in: Comics | Tagged: aquaman, bestseller, dc, image comics, justice league, marvel, pretty deadly, sex criminals, velvet
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – Velvet, Pretty Deadly And Sex Criminals March Up The Chart
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
That Justice League #24 would top the chart was a no brainer this week. What was less than expected was that Velvet #1 would place so highly, with Pretty Deadly and Sex Criminals also riding up the charts.
And hey, you know what? Aquaman didn't do too badly either…
- Justice League #24
- Wolverine & X-Men #37
- Uncanny Avengers #13
- Aquaman #24
- Velvet #1
- Justice League Dark #24
- Pretty Deadly #1
- Sex Criminals #2
- Indestructible Hulk #14
- Batman: The Dark Knight #24
Thanks to the following retailers.
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- A Comic Shop of Orlando, Florida
- Laughing Ogre Comics of Lansdowne and Fairfax, Virginia, and Columbus, Ohio
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny, Iowa
- Comix Experience of San Francisco, California
- Graham Crackers Comics of Illinois
- The Fallout Shelter of Highland Park, New Jersey
- Impulse Creations of Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Eide's Entertainment of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Retailer comments:
Small week for books. Catwoman #24 was the over-all winner with sales due to Joker's Daughter. Pretty Deadly #1 was a close second, but under performed. Velvet on the other hand moved better than expected.
New 52 was the clear cut winner in the back-issue market. It seems that every six to eight weeks a new batch of readers jump on board and make it just a little harder to find #1's
JL #24 proved Geoff Johns still has that magic! Samurai Jack hit the nostalgia sweet spot. X-Men's Battle of the Atom is finishing strong. Image's new crop are all wins this week with two of them breaking in our top 10.
Sandman graphic novels are already burning up, I had to reorder all of them this week (and are stocking them deep).
Justice League 24 was quite the hit. Evil never looked so good. Fans are very unhappy to hear Daredevil is being cancelled. Nothing overly exciting this week.
Pretty Deadly #1 and Velvet #1 shipped this week in heavy quantities due to their being returnable as long as our orders match or exceed previous Image comics. It was announced on the day they were released, that both comics were sold out and second printings were announced, so when will Image ask for us to return the previous returnable comics; Satellite Sam, Lazarus and Ghosted. They served their purpose by allowing retailers to have more copies than they would have ordered and allow an audience to find them, but when will Image allow us to return the unsold copies?