Posted in: Comics, Digital | Tagged: kickstarter
Bleeding Freedom In Texas
Getting a chance to do comics nowadays is really hard. Most companies don't accept submissions. You have to attend conventions which are far away, and which involve spending good money on air fares, hotels, food, and transportation. And nowadays, even getting tickets to a major con is difficult.
Once there, you are lucky if companies are even willing to meet with new talent. Most of the time, employees run from you if you have a portfolio. If you're lucky enough to find a company looking at work… then you wait in line and hope the editor doesn't call it quits for the day before you get an appraisal.
Been there… done that.
I love comics. I've tried working for other companies, but I've never gotten a break. It's not like I haven't done comics before. I used to co-own Maverick Studios in 1994, and we released two issues of WORDS & PICTURES… a comic that I felt was enjoyed by those who got to experience it. I also have had work printed by Mojo Press and Vanguard. But that was a long time ago, and subsequent forays into the comics industry had proved fruitless for me.
A few weeks ago, Amazon unleashed their Kindle Comic Creator application. And it seemed like all my dreams were being answered.
I had a comic ready to go. One I had been working on for four years. One I started writing and drawing while hanging out at a Church bingo with my wife. A Sword, Sorcery, and Fantasy comic with a smart ass hero.
My story ended up being 64 pages long, and I decided to break it into two issues of 32 pages each. I finished toning the first half, and then went all in with the KCA application.
It took me about ten hours to go from learning how to use the program, to producing a final version of my comic ready for publication.
On June 7, 2013… my comic ENOK THE PRODIGAL BOOK ONE was unleashed to the world at large.
Thanks to Amazon's new tool… I'm dying to get more work done. I have lots of comics projects that I want to publish. All I have to do is finalize and create them… and I can put them out there at a moment's notice.
That's what I call freedom.