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Comic Book Creators React To The Death Of John Cassaday

Today, many fellow comic creators woke up to the tragic news of John Cassaday's passing at the impossibly young age of 52 yesterday.

In the small hours of the morning, I learned of John Cassaday's passing at the impossibly young age of 52. I wrote about the man and his work, including comments from several who had worked closely with him, including Mark Waid, Jeff Marriotte, Christopher Golden and Heather Antos. Many woke up to the tragic news today. Here are a few comments from fellow comic book creators, those who knew him and those who his work had a major impact upon.

Ben Templesmith: I see the terrible news is out. Rest in peace John. There'll never be another John Cassaday.

Bruno Redondo: John Cassaday, your Planetary was one of the most impactful comics to witness in real time on my life. And your Captain America. And your incredible X-Men. And… damn, such a huge loss. Will read you forever.

Scott Snyder: Although I never got the chance to know him personally, the impact of John Cassaday's work on myself and the whole industry is indelible. This is a tremendous loss to the comics community.

Carmen Carnero: Very sad to hear the passing of John Cassaday. I never had the chance to meet him, but while drawing Captain America, all I wanted was to achieve even one thousandth of this level of excellence. RIP

Declan Shalvey: Absolutely shocked to hear of John Cassaday's death. An amazing & compelling storyteller, a striking & innovative cover artist, such an influence on my own work, I'm only now realising. Got to meet him once, very cool guy. May he live on forever in the amazing work he gave us RIP

Mitch Gerads: I'm more often than not that guy who gets to the end of a convention and realizes I barely left the table to greet others. Even friends. John Cassaday ALWAYS came to my table to say hi, even if for a moment. I'm going to try and be better about this. Thank you, John.

Charles Soule: John Cassaday was a once-in-ever talent. I'm so lucky I got to work with him a bit here and there. The worst thing about making it work in a creative field is that you get to know geniuses and then you have to watch them go. RIP.

David Pepose: Genuinely stunned to hear of John Cassaday's passing at the age of 52. He was an artist of limitless talent, who should've had decades left to do whatever he wanted. This is a loss that feels as unfair as it is unbelievable.

Andy Khouri: John Cassaday allowed a very young me to hang out at his convention table and ask so many stupid questions for so long. And then all over again the next day. I know I was annoying but he never lost his patience with this awkward fan. I've never forgotten it. RIP.

Comic Book Creators React To The Death Of John Cassaday

Jorge Fornés: Too early… Rest in peace John Cassaday. Thank you for all that you leave us.

JH Williams III: Shocking news about John Cassaday leaving this Earth. I didn't know him well, but when running into each other at cons we always had these great subtle moments, almost like a secret code, acknowledging the efforts we put into our work. Love to his family, his friends, his spirit.

Jimmy Palmiotti: John Lucas & John Cassaday were inseparable at one time in my life. When we would meet up at Openers, our local pub, they would come in together and leave together. Best friends that had each other's back. So much fun to talk comics, movies, and whatever. Adore them both.

Joseph Illidge: John Cassaday was my friend, and I am shattered. Thank you for being a good man and coming on board with us for a fleeting moment in time.

Danny Earls: Very sad to hear of the passing of John Cassaday, I never had the good fortune of meeting him but I adored his work as did everyone in comic books. His legacy is incredible and very inspirational. My sincere condolences to anyone who knew him personally!

Phillip Hester: Another tough one to take. A singular style capable of crystallizing the most evocative moment in any storytelling scenario, an unteachable skill. He found the heart of everything he drew.

Dean Haspiel: When John Cassaday first landed in NYC, he asked me to show him around Brooklyn. I took him to a wild art party called Rubulad where we danced half-naked in a Conga line with a bunch of sexy outliers and it blew his humble mind. From Planetary to Astonishing X-men to Captain America to Star Wars (and so much more), John was a super talent that was always super kind to me. There's more to say but I'm too heartbroken. The guy was a gentleman and a living legend. A beautiful soul. And, as our mutual comrade Paul Pope put it, "He was an Oak Tree." I will miss John dearly.

Scott Dunbier: It will take me some time to say what I need to say about John Cassaday. For now I'll just say that I love him and will miss him very much. But soon I'll post more about him.

Diana Schutz: 'Bye, baby

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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