Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! I'm back with a fat stack of New Comics Now! First up is Old Man Logan #1 by
Comic Show Archives Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom, It's another week of great books. Silver Surfer #1 was super fun. Captain Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom. This week I gush about Secret Wars #9, the long awaited finale. This was Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! Hope you had and great Christmas and have some nerdy new year plans. This week is a little Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! I'm back for the Christmas week of New Comics Now! Star Wars The Force Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom, I’m back with another stack of New Comics Now! This week had a surprising amount of fun DC Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! I'm back from NC Comicon where I broke the Gerard Way Doomed Doom Patrol
By Michele Brittany, SoCal Correspondent Last weekend at the Stan Lee's Comikaze, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, I attended a panel I would
By Michele Brittany, While attending Stan Lee’s Comikaze last weekend, in several conversations I had with local writers and artists, I will typically ask Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida writes, Hey Fandom! It's another big week of releases with
By Michele Brittany, SoCal Correspondent Sunday, November 1 marked the third and final day of Stan Lee's Comikaze, held in the West and South Halls of the
By Michele Brittany, SoCal Correspondent The second day of Stan Lee's Comikaze opened with a bit of confusion with respect to line management for West Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Florida writes, Hey Fandom! I didn't record a video last week because about
By Joe Glass I stopped by the Contest of Champions mini-booth, part of the sprawling Marvel booth at NYCC this year, to discuss the game and new character Aaron Holland writes, Hey Fandom! This is the best and biggest week of comics ever! If you don't walk out of Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom, this week's A Comic Show starts with a storm warning for next Wednesday's Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! This week is a lot about Saturday's BATMAN DAY, we'll have a huge sale in Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom, I survived Force Friday! I'm halfway through the Star Wars Aftermath prose Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! This is the week I've been waiting for, Secret Wars #5 is here! Sure, it's
By Joe Glass You may remember from SDCC my report on the Grant Morrison Multiversity panel, where I noted (as did everyone else there, Morrison included Aaron Haaland writes, Hey Fandom! It's another smaller week of new comics, but A Comic Show must go on. Brian
An audience member asked whether the upcoming post-apocalyptic Western-zombie movie mash-up Dead West would be ridiculous, Nick Carter responded by saying
By Joe Glass DC panel covering new titles and new takes on characters as part of their massive overhaul of their lineup over the last few months.
By Joe Glass One of Prism Comics many LGBTQ related panels over the course of SDCC, they ran this year a panel discussing among creators some of things to Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop writes, Hey Fandom, I'm back with another week of New Comics Now! Brian K.
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, it's another crazy fun week. Sorry, my video is a day late. Yesterday we celebrated Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, read Fight Club 2! It's by Fight Club
By Michele Brittany, West Coast Bleeding Cool Correspondent Where will you be next Saturday, May 2, or in other words, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY?! If you live
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with more New Comics Now! My favorite book of the week is Image's Kaptara
Aaron Haaland of A Comic Shop in Orlando, Florida, writes: Hey Fandom, I'm back with New Comics Now! Archie vs Predator won the week, but there's plenty