Runaways returns for One World Under Doom with Rainbow Rowell and Elena Casagrande from Marvel Comics in June 2025.
Posted in: Comic Show | Tagged: captain america, Comics, john romita jr, marvel, marvel now, marvelnow, rick remender, si spurrier
Two Hours Till iFanboy And MTV Geek Confirm Remender And JrJr On Cap, And Spurrier And Huat On A New X-Book
9am ET.
That's when it's expected that iFanboy and MTV Geek will confirm Rick Remender and John Romita Jr on the newly relaunched Captain America, and Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat on a new X-book, for Marvel Now.
I'll go and put a kettle on.
And then… well… what will be left for Marvel to announce next month?

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