Posted in: Comics, DC Comics | Tagged: black lives matter, christian cooper, dc comics, mdc fandome
DC Comics Runs #BlackLivesMatter Messaging – Will It Go Further?
This week saw DC Comics publish a free digital comic book written by Christian Cooper, It's A Bird. A fictionalised version of the event that this former Marvel editor and Star Trek writer went through in Central Park that made international headlines and preceded the Black Lives Matter protests that followed the killing of George Floyd.
With the use of a pair of very special binoculars, it puts this event, and the threat made, into the context of many other Black men and women who were killed by police for the most spurious of reasons.
But more than that, the comic book Represent! also runs case histories of a number of those people. from Amadou Diallo…
… to Breonna Taylor…
…to George Floyd.
And more and more and more…
The question some have asked is that, while this is welcomed, will DC Comics continue this kind of messaging in other publications, aside from those that can be seen as "a very special episode of" one-shots like Represent! This weekend's DC Fandome event will include a number of related programming, but nothing that allows any interaction with fans, Will it all be PR>
DC Comics encourages readers to share this story with friends and family and to talk about how people can inspire change in their communities. They also state that many organizations—including Color of Change, Equal Justice Initiative, NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund, National Center for Civil and Human Rights, National Urban League, and the Bail Project—are also working to advance social justice and civil rights in support of #BlackLivesMatter. Represent!'s first issue is free and available now, It's a Bird by Christian Cooper and Alitha E. Martinez.