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Eat The Rich #2 Review: Impossible Situations
Things are not right at an elite vacation resort, and Joey Dorsey is in way deeper than she expects. Between her clueless boyfriend Astor, a sympathetic nanny called Petal, and a whole lot of rich people, the lead of Eat The Rich #2 is a messy but fair indictment of the excesses of vulture capitalism as vulnerable people are caught in impossible situations.
The moneyed community of this Hamptons-esque getaway community called Crestfall Bluffs has a practice for the retirement of their longtime staff: horribly murdering and eating the employees once they are no longer able to work. Usually, this is done clandestinely, but outsider Joey saw this happening, and she is wildly unprepared to grasp what's happening here.
This Sarah Bailey script does a great job of conveying the horror setting in on the protagonist, as contrasted by the worn surrender, obliviousness, or indifference of the people around her. The pacing, however, left something to be desired as this might be good for an early act of a horror movie, but in the periodical format, it's a little short of the mark. The artwork from Pius Bak, Roman Titov, and Cardinal Rae solidly conveys the nature of the characters, but with the color palette being a little washed out and the details not as strong, that leaves a lot of heavy lifting for facial expressions, and that happens admirably.
This is a solid bit of work that will likely shine in a collected format. Despite some truly remarkable moments, the sum of the parts didn't quite make it. RATING: HONORABLE MENTION.
Eat The Rich #2
By Sarah Bailey, Pius Bak
Is Joey willing to pay with her life to uncover the gruesome secrets behind Crestfall Bluffs? Joey is beyond disturbed by what she has just witnessed and she has every right to be, but when she confides in her boyfriend Astor, his reassurance about his family's weird rituals and traditions only fuels her suspicions. Still, Joey will need proof in order to expose the truth of Crestfall Bluffs, but what she finds produces more questions and danger than answers!