Posted in: Comics | Tagged: cosplay, phoenix comicon, spawn
From Red Son Supergirl To A TARDIS Motorbike – More Cosplay From Saturday At Phoenix Comic Con
Alex Wilson writes;
All right, Saturday of Phoenix Comic Con has wrapped up and what a day it was. So far, this was the largest day for the convention, as Saturdays typically are. The convention hall is underneath the panel rooms and runs through the basement. The past few days phone reception has been spotty but Saturday it was downright non-existent. You could not make a call to save your life. Text messaging also took a beating. Some people sent messages 4 or 5 times before they were actually sent. I know some retailers who had those mobile phone credit card machines. Most ended up having to leave the building to use them or just flat out dropped the whole ordeal all together and just did cash only. Lucky for me I always pay with cash at conventions.
I ended up purchasing a few things on Saturday, nothing grandiose. Agnes Garbowska had this playful Doctor Who print I couldn't resist. Grace Randolph had a tabloid like cover for Superbia issue 3 and it struck my fancy. I thought I would pick up Harbinger issue 1 since I haven't read much Valiant. There is also a Big Chris Art shirt in there. If you haven't checked out Big Chris, give him a click. My favorite of the day though, was the Doctor Who Tardis tie!
Speaking of Doctor Who, I saw a Doctor Who motorcycle! It was Tarbis Blue, had the police box light on it, and a few other accoutrements to add to the Who-ness. I never saw the person who owned it but I just love to think it was just the biggest guy you could imagine, wearing the biker vest, a bandana, and sunglasses no matter where the sun is in relation to his eyes.
A fight also broke out last night! Well, a light saber fight. The video is dark (Sorry, not everything can be perfect) but if you look close at the end there had been a "Jedi Master" standing in front of the stage the whole time, cloaked out and everything.
There was some amazing cosplay again on Saturday. There was a Team Fortress crew, a nice gaggle of Spawn ladies, Borderlands, and a fantastic Mass Effect costume group. The centered one's mouth actually moved! We also had a few cross dressing men in female hero costumes. They were absolutely great. I found them behind me on the escalator going to the exhibitor hall. I thought taking a picture would be better than awkward silence.
I have to admit my favorite cosplay of the convention so far (and honestly one of my all time favorites) was Red Son Supergirl. She hit the colors perfectly! The more washed out blue, the dimmer red, it was amazing. I also love cosplay from a certain and specific book or story. Anyone can do a Green Lantern or Batman but you have to know what you're talking about to do Red Son. The costume may not have been the most complex to make but it required a better knowledge of Superman history, in my opinion, to make, so kudos to you Red Son Supergirl. You win my cosplay award of Phoenix Comic Con. There is no prize and the title comes with little to no perks.