Posted in: Comics, Halloween | Tagged: candy, children, Comics, entertainment, halloween, kids, reading, sweets
Hand Out Comics, Not Candy, Tonight
Hand Out Comics, Not Candy, Tonight
We always have a gaggle of kids in Kingston Vale, London, every Hallowe'en. Why? Because a few years ago I decided to give out comics books instead of comics, sweets and candy at Hallowe'en. Aiming to rot brains rather than teeth.
And while the kids know they can get sweets at any door, at only one door can they get comics. Sorry, "American comics". I know how to market them.
Some of them are probably slightly unsuitable, as in DC and Marvel modern superhero comics, but I've never had a problem. And there are plenty of all ages stuff in there as well.
This year Diamond went the whole hog with their Hallowe'en giveaways last weekend, letting people buy packs of mini comics to give away at their door. I do hope that was popular.
Because there's nothing quite as successful in getting people to read comics, than to give them comics as kids. It creates an understanding for the language of the artform that is always harder to pick up as an adult.
Also, every comic collector has some comics they are happy to get rid of for whatever reason and may not be worth putting on eBay. So you don't even have to buy the candy.
You've still got time. Go to the longboxes, find some comics you don't mind parting with, put them near the front door and watch the kids go wild when you offer them instead.
Because kids cannot live on gummy bears alone, no matter how they try.
Okay, got to go, my kids are dressed up as Minecraft witches and I want to make sure theu are okay. They get comics every day of the year, but not all children are so fortunate.
Let's let Quantum & Woody & Archer & Armstrong wearing each others clothes have the last word, to promote their Delinquents comic…
Photos from Richard's Comics & Collectables of Greenville, South Carolina