Posted in: Comics | Tagged: trump
Jim Steranko Wants You… To Vote For Trump
Legendary comic book creator and Eisner Hall of Famer Jim Steranko took to Twitter last night with a special plea for Americans. Steranko, it would appear, wants to "make America great again." Over the course of a half hour and nearly fifty tweets, Steranko laid out a case for why he's voting for Donald Trump. Or, perhaps more accurately, why he's not voting for Hillary Clinton.
Bleeding Cool is well known for its fair and balanced news coverage – we post photos of controversial Frank Cho artwork for the clicks from liberals and conservatives alike. In that spirit, we'd like to note that if you prefer tweetcap articles about comic book creators who support Hillary Clinton, we recommend reading our profile on Captain America writer Nick Spencer. This article, however, is all about Jim Steranko, and his forty-eight tweet manifesto that we're honestly not 100% convinced isn't some kind of elaborate performance art, the punchline of which is just way too over our heads.
Steranko made his case by addressing all of the important issues affecting Americans in this campaign. On immigration, Steranko said that Hillary Clinton would "help Middle-Eastern immigrants without IDs onto American soil, into our schools & communities."
"The upshot — " Steranko explained. "Increased terrorist slaughter and destruction."
Steranko warned that Americans would be forced to "support immigrants on the dole, while losing jobs to them — and more!" Steranko did not elaborate on what else Americans would lose. Probably our keys. We are always losing our keys, and it's plausible that immigrants took them. Trump, on the other hand, "will erect a border wall — locking out drug trade and illegals — while establishing a moratorium on Middle-Eastern immigrants through extreme vetting."
On trade deals, Steranko said that Clinton was "in bed" with Big Labor, and "wouldn't know a deal from Shinola." He noted that Trump hopes to close the trade gap with China, and added, "at least Trump knows how to MAKE A DEAL!"
FACT CHECK: In addition to co-writing his own book, Trump: The Art Of The Deal, a young Donald Trump was also a finalist on a 1985 celebrity edition of popular TV game show Let's Make a Deal with Monty Hall. Though Trump lost in the final round to Jim J. Bullock, he clearly knows a thing or two about the subject.
"Trump defends police, the NRA, the Constitution, and the need to uphold American law!" Steranko proclaimed on the subject of criminal justice. On Healthcare, Steranko disliked Hillary Clinton's support of Obamacare, which he said Trump would repeal on his first day. Of foreign policy, Steranko said, Clinton "will continue the weak, ineffective Obama policies that have made America an international JOKE!"
Steranko invested much of the remainder of his pitch on Benghazi, concluding, "My Bottom Line: No, I do NOT want my life, my family, my friends, my freedoms in the hands of Clinton and her criminal associates — because the Bengazi incident is a PREVIEW of things to come!" That is why CBR is currently in negotiations to get an EXCLUSIVE on it.
"Only you and I can stop it — by keeping her and her collaborators OUT OF POWER!" he finished. "Please join me in doing the right thing tomorrow — or face the inevitable consequences for decades to come!"
Whew! Okay.
Fellow Americans, as you head to the polls today to cast your vote in the most important decision you'll make for the next four years, remember: Bleeding Cool can be viewed on your mobile phones, so be sure to check in with us several times while waiting on line at your polling station, in case any other comic book creators have advice on who you should vote for.
Read Steranko's original tweets below.