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Jimmy Palmiotti Talks To Terry Steiner About Sex & Violence In Comics
Jimmy Palmiotti is a legendary comic book writer and artist – and even the more legendary husband of Amanda Conner. Terry Steiner is a friend of his. And Jimmy asked Terry to talk to him about the third volume of his new anthology, Sex And Violence, created with Conner now on Kickstarter.
TERRY: Sex and Violence Vol. 3, the third in a series. Why keep making these volumes instead of writing a brand new original book?
JIMMY: These are anthologies and not all about me and my work. I have a single story in each, as does Justin Gray, and in each book, we have new talent on board. Vol. 3 is no different. I'm a fan of the themes presented and love the idea of having no editorial limitations when it comes to telling these stories. I think I will be making these books, I hope, for a very long time. People seem to enjoy them.
TERRY: This one features a Joe Linsner and Frank Frazetta cover. How did that happen?
JIMMY: Joe is a great friend, and we have worked together on projects at Marvel and DC over the years; and he is one of the few people I know that is always up for helping me with a project. His work is just amazing and getting him to do a special cover is a real gift. It is stunning. As far as getting a Frank Frazetta piece on the cover, well, that was something I would have never imagined happening, but we got permission to use it for a limited number of books, and then that's it. This Kickstarter is the only place you will see that cover, and we are offering it in two versions, with the lettering and without. Frank is one of my favorite artists of all time, and having met and spoken to him in the past; I think he would approve of what we put together here.
TERRY: Pin-ups are a part of this series. Who did you manage to line up for this book?
JIMMY: We got really lucky. We were able to get pieces by Elsa Charretier, Gilbert Hernandez, Dan Panosian, and many more to be announced.
TERRY: The first story in the book is written by you and Amanda Conner titled "Momentum," drawn by Jimmy Broxton. What is it about?
JIMMY: It's a story about a girl that has a horrible week and decides to head out of town to an adult Halloween party in the country. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll follow until she disappears and her friends go on the hunt to track her down. It's a story that has some rough things happening in it, but the resolve is worth the ride. We went places Amanda and I never really go in a story. That was the fun of it, and Jimmy really delivered on the art end. It's an emotional roller coaster.
TERRY: It seems you are very busy these days with the crowdfunding books. Has this has an effect on your mainstream output at Marvel and DC?
JIMMY: Sadly, I've learned over the years that working for the big two is fun, but in the end, they are corporations, and loyalty means little to them. I have had a long run and made everyone I ever worked for more cash than you can imagine, but it's time to focus on my own legacy and my own creations instead of playing that thankless game with others. These days, my own work needs most of my attention, and I cannot do this while babysitting others' properties. I will still take on smaller gigs of interest like Red Sonja and the Blondie and Anthrax books that have been announced, but I have in the works a lot of cool graphic novels and a bigger publishing plan in 2012 that will be announced at the end of the year that makes total sense for someone like me.
TERRY: So, the pitch, why should someone pick up Sex and Violence Vol. 3, and how can they get the two before it?
JIMMY: You should give Sex and Violence a try if you love anthologies and stories of an adult nature that feature as its themes sex, violence, and grown-up themes. You should pick it up if you are an art lover because of the talent we have, and lastly, if you are a comic collector, just one look on the back-issue market will tell you the past Kickstarters we have done are impossible to find. There is an audience for just about everything in this book and series. Each of my Kickstarters we print on demand and do not over order other than to cover damages and such, so vol. 1 and Vol. 2 are officially sold out. What we do offer is a special digital-only pledge level that is only $15 that has all three volumes- that's 3 64 page books full of reading pleasure. Again, I will warn you; these books are not for children. Adults only, please.