Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, dc comics, hershey, jace gfox, jon kent, superman, tara flor, Wonder Girl, wonder woman
Jon Kent Superman, Jace Fox Batman, Yara Flor Wonder Girl Hershey Bars
Hershey Bars have been putting out DC Comics superhero-branded chocolate bars for a while, focused on the Justice League. But, as we all know the Justice League are dead. So it seems that Hershey Bars, just like DC Comics, are going through a rebrand. And adding Jon Kent Superman, the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane, and who hit headlines over being a bisexual young man, to mix. As well as Jace Fox, son of Lucius Fox, and the Batman of New York, who hit headlines for being… um black. And then there's Yara Flor, the current Wonder Girl and Future Wonder Woman of Brazil who hit headline for… coming from Brazi, I guess? And all now with their own Hershey chocolate bars, and you can how much time HErshey put into this by their choice of Comic Sans as a font for the ad.
The seven other versions were previously released, featuring the Geoff Johns/Jim Lee Justice League of Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, Superman and Cyborg.
Whe n the first seven Hershey DC Comics chocolate bars were issued, it was during the early days of the pandemic outbreak, distributed in May 2020, with the first batch of the chocolate bars shared with those working on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout May. And that hospitals, urgent care centers, police departments and fire stations were among the groups who will be receiving the chocolate bars in such markets as Philadelphia, Memphis, Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, New Orleans and Dallas, among others. In addition to the bars, Hershey stated that they donated millions in cash and product to benefit community safety, as well as a variety of healthcare organizations. I wonder what PR we will get to accompany these new "diverse voices" chocolate bars?