Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic, entertainment, Joe Badon, kickstarter, Terra Kaiju
Love, Sacrifice, Forgiveness And Kaiju
Joe Badon writes for Bleeding Cool:
I would like to talk about a love letter that I'm writing. It's in the form of comic book that I'm currently running a Kickstarter campaign for.
The book is entitled TERRA KAIJU. A story of love, sacrifice and forgiveness set in feudal Japan. But this is no romantic fiction. This is an homage to a genre far more ominous and misunderstood.
This genre has been deemed campy with it's rubber suits and bad dubbing. This genre, as of late, has been sectioned off as white-‐noise-‐Hollywood-‐blockbuster-‐ action.
This is the genre of the Kaiju. I want to bring this great partition of science fiction up from the low brow and into the high brow. I would love for the general audience to view these giant monsters as oil paintings in an art gallery rather than cartoons in a coloring book.
Drawing from the influences of movies like Daimajin, GMK, and Tsu Hong Wu, I aim to create an epic tale of ultimate love and sacrifice through Gojira's filtered lens, to humbly put a paint brush in Godzilla's claw.
My comic, TERRA KAIJU, is the story of a young man, Kohitsuji, who must sacrifice his life to his village's sleeping god, Terra Ramu. Only through his sacrifice will he awaken Terra Ramu and save his people from the impending doom of Hebragon, the flying serpent demon.
I am seeking $3,500 to complete the project and bring this giant monster to the world.
As a special offer to all Bleeding Cool readers, if you pledge at the 20 dollar level, I will give you an upgrade to the 50 dollar reward level. Here's what you would have to do: After you make your 20 dollar pledge just message me with the code: BLEEDINGCOOL20! Do that and I'll give you the upgrade!
Here's the link to the kickstarter:
Thank you so much for reading!