Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: marvel, marvel comics presents, wolverine
Marvel Comics Presents #8 Catches Up to the Present in August… So What Now?
One of our favorite parts of Marvel's 80th-anniversary celebration has been the return of Marvel Comics Presents, the classic Marvel anthology series. This time around, Marvel Comics Presents returned with a new theme: each issue represents a decade in Marvel history, with the flagship story, The Vigil, starring Wolverine teaming with a witch to stop a demon from taking over the world every ten years.
The thing is, August's issue of Marvel Comics Presents #8 will cover the last decade of Marvel's 80-year history, which is to say, this decade. So where do we go from here?
It would be easy to speculate that the book could end #8, especially as sales haven't been great, with the title ranked 130 on Diamond's sales chart in April, which Comichron estimates at under 14,000 copies sold. But the problem is that The Vigil is set to be a 12-part story. Marvel wouldn't pull a Tom King on poor Charles Soule, would they?
So that leaves us open to other possibilities. Marvel could simply drop the decades thing, if they were planning to keep the title going indefinitely, but at this point and with these sales, that seems unlikely. More likely, they'll end it at #12, along with The Vigil. If so, then Marvel Comics Presents may need to find some other decades to explore. The year 2099 seems like a good one. What other future decades might Marvel look to for the (presumably) remaining four issues?
Post your speculation in the comments, check out the solicit below, and see Marvel's full August solicitations here.
Variant cover by GERARDO SANDOVAL
The journey through Marvel history reaches the current decade as Wolverine's vigil takes a dark turn! Spider-Woman battles with disinformation on social media! And an all-new story featuring Korea's own super hero, White Fox!
40 PGS./Rated T+…$4.99