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On Jim Lee, Charging Up To $35,000 For Private Commission Artwork
Back in April, Bleeding Cool looked at the commission rates of Jim Lee, Pubisher and CCO of DC Comics, from his agent Albert Moy.
Article Summary
- Jim Lee's private art commissions reach up to $35,000 for detailed pieces.
- Offer includes various sizes and options, with limits on availability per show.
- Comic book creators support Lee's right to set his own prices for original work.
- Discussion sparked among fans and creators on the value of Lee's commission art.
Back in April, Bleeding Cool looked at the commission rates of Jim Lee, Pubisher and CCO of DC Comics, co-founder of Image Comics and co-creator of Gambit, Stormwatch and WildCATS. We posted the commission list from his agent, Albert Moy.
For the first time in over 15 years, Jim Lee will be taking commission requests to be delivered exclusively almost all shows he is appearing. This offer is an exclusive for show attendees only and won't be shipped out. There is a limit to six per show so act fast to get yours.
11 by 17 inches, full figure one character with limited backgrounds for $20,000, if more than one character or extra backgrounds or recreation of other covers not drawn by Jim will be $25,000 to $35,000
9 by 12 inches, waist on up figure with limited backgrounds is $9,000 to $15,000, will have backgrounds and more you pay can have other characters or scenes.
small head shot, sample is shown, $1000. Size is 3.25 by 7 inches and side profile only.
Blank cover comic, only bust shot with no background $8,000. And 12k if it a wraparound. Jim Lee will supply the blank cover comic but you can supply at the show if you like.
Here are samples of 11 by 17 inch commissions
And here are samples of 9 by 12 inch commissions
Well, his prices haven't gone up since April, but this weekend, the comments of some fans regarding these prices went viral.
And so comic book creators responded to the responses.
Chris Burnham: I think Jim Lee should charge $19,999.99
Kevin Maguire: Some people are upset that Jim Lee is charging $20,000 for a commission. Are you equally upset if someone got a $1,000. commission from him then later sold it for $20,000.? At least the artist is getting the money.
Jimmy Palmiotti: Jim Lee can charge anything he likes for a commission, just like you don't have to get one if you don't want to. Really that simple.
Bryan Young: Personally, I think Jim Lee is undercharging based on what his original art goes for. The man is a legend, though, so he can charge whatever the hell he wants.
Bengal:Noone is shocked when a youtuber, an onlyfan star or an influencer sells a toenail for a fortune, or when a hollywood star asks hundreds for a photo with them or when a signature by a music artist goes for thousands.
But god forbid a comics legend would ask for money for his art.Fabian Nicieza: Tomorrow, Jim Lee should DOUBLE his current commission prices. Anyone who wants to whine about it can still whine about it. And Jim will still get what he should be getting because if someone is willing to pay those sums for the art, then that's what the art is worth.
Mark Brooks:Vincent Van Gogh died penniless. His artwork now regularly sells for millions. He'll never get to enjoy the spoils of his talent and fame. @jimlee
gets to charge whatever the F he wants. Just because you want a Ferrari does mean they have to price it like a Honda.David Pepose: Me trying to explain to my fiancée why Jim Lee is one of the most successful and influential comic artists since Jack Kirby, while she silently takes the dog out for a walk instead
Andy Khouri: I'm not sure who's unhappy with Jim Lee's commission prices, but it should be noted those are COMMISSION prices. Jim is extremely generous with his readers and has signed countless autographs and drawn zillions of sketches for fans at events all over the world — for decades
Derek Faraci:Jim Lee is one of the biggest names in comics. He's an in-demand artist who knows what his work is worth. People shouldn't be attacking him for charging high prices, they should be congratulating him for reaching a spot where his art is that valuable.
Scott Kurtz:Lee can charge 20k for a commission is because currently, that's what people are willing to pay for one. Because it's an original Jim Lee.
ChrisCross: I'm trying to understand what was the purpose of putting out a jpeg of Jim Lee's commission rates. He RE-energized the industry with his abilities and aided and Co-created a company that allows creators to own their IP's to this DAY. HE CAN CHARGE WHAT HE WANTS. Shut IT.
Kev F Sutherland:Here are comic artist Jim Lee's prices for drawing commissions. Can I just remind everyone that mine aren't even half that. (See you at #LFCC where I'll be drawing caricatures that are free if you buy something off my table. Yes, Jim Lee and I are in the same business.)
Maybe it's time to put that Jim Lee Justice League original artwork I bought years ago on eBay? And for Kev F to put up his prices.