Comics Archives

S-E-X Spells…
Alex Wilson writes; Sex is a new book coming out through Image and will be hitting shelves March 6th. The series is written by Joe Casey with art by Piotr
Hunting Homestuck Hunters
Homestuck is one of the most popular webcomics around, a recent Kickstarter raising well into seven figures for a related project. And naturally, people
The Lament Of Jerry Ordway
In a blog post entitled "Life over fifty", comic book artist Jerry Ordway is lamenting his current career options, and how these issues also apply to his
The Batman Of Bradford
The BBC reports brilliantly, wonderfully, amazingly from Bradford, West Yorkshire, England. Police said the costumed crime-fighter marched the 27-year-old
The Westwood Witches
Cameron Hatheway writes; What is it about witchcraft that we as an audience find so fascinating? Along with the usual suspects of vampires and zombies
Witch Doctor: Mal Practice #4
Louis Falcetti writes; What to make of 2013 so far eh? There seems to have been plenty of sound and fury (probably) signifying nothing (definitely). We've
Another Trip Through Tripwire
Before Bleeding Cool, there was TRIPWIRE magazine. In 2013, it celebrates its 21st anniversary and so it’s crowd funding at Kickstarter