Comics Archives

Snapshot #2 Review
  Louis Falcetti writes; I wondered why no one was talking about Snapshot. I mean, no one besides us (and that was awhile ago). It's because the Image
C-Day Party Locations
Looking for a crazy party?  Join the millions of Crossed fans on Wednesday 3/13 as they descend upon comic shops for the second annual C-Day celebrating
C-Day Invades Comic Shops
The Crossed plague infects comic shops the world over on Wednesday 3/13. As hordes of fans descend upon local stores to participate in the event and enjoy
Is There A Run On X-Factor #6?
So, we ran a certain story about Apocalypse and the X-Men: Days Of Future Past film. Maybe you saw it. Apocalypse's first appearance was in X-Factor #6
Katie Hidalgo Hired At Dynamite
Writer/artist of The Store in last year's Dirty Diamonds #2, and designer for Zenescope's Alice In Wonderland, Katie Hidalgo, has been hired as a new
These Are Your Grampa's Superheroes
We talked about Rafael Grampa's commission list recently. Well here's the first of the pieces, with Iron Man, Captain America and Spider-Man...
Tripwire's Favourite Covers
Before Bleeding Cool, there was TRIPWIRE magazine. In 2013, it celebrates its 21st anniversary and so it’s crowd funding at Kickstarter