Comics Archives

More Cosplay From Thought Bubble
Another look at cosplay (after yesterday's runaround) at Thought Bubble in Leeds today, courtesy of andrewdotlee, josephglass, clockworkwatch, steeyre,
Swipe File: Dork #8 And Rock Thrower
Yesterday Bleeding Cool told you about a new comic, Rock Thrower, about a Palestinian rock thrower-turned-baseball player. It did have a familiar ring...
Cosplay At Thought Bubble
A few cosplay shots from ThoughtBubble in Leeds today, from rebelpachel, clockworkwatch, josephglass, adlaisface, glassgears, trojanphoenix,
The Week In Comica
The week in Comica, Britain's leading comics festival, continues from Monday... after Thought Bubble has finished, naturally. Monday, November 19th
My Favourite Tribute To Ray Zone
Ray Zone, king of 3D comic books and other stereographic art, passed away at the age of sixty-five. Creating and transforming many comic books into 3D
Deathmatch Profile: Lightspeed
32 Were Chosen. 31 Will Die. Introducing... Lightspeed. A powerful and mysterious supervillain has imprisoned the world’s greatest superheroes, forcing