Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: hulk, Joe Fixit, marvel, peter david, Yildiray Cinar
Peter David & Yildiray Cinar Revive Joe Fixit Hulk For 2023
Today saw the final issue of Peter David and Sebastian Cabrol's Maestro: World War M. Which is the perfect time for Marvel Comics to announce that Peter David is going to do another dive into the eighties for Joe Fixit, a new comic book about the Grey Hulk in his time working as a Las Vegas casino hired muscle. And the comic. drawn by Yildiray Cinar, and will be published in 2023.
Known for his legendary and impactful run on INCREDIBLE HULK, superstar comics writer Peter David is proving his acclaimed work on the Hulk mythos is far from over! Having just finished an epic trilogy of limited series that told the grand saga of Hulk villain MAESTRO, David will now turn his attention to another iconic creation of his—JOE FIXIT! The fan-favorite Hulk persona that muscled his way through Las Vegas as a hedonistic bodyguard will star in his very own limited series set during David's original time on the INCREDLBLE HULK. Joining David in this Sin City adventure will be artist Yildiray Cinar (The Marvels).
"When I created Joe Fixit decades ago, it was merely as a means to shake up the standard formula," David explained. "Typically Bruce would have set up some sort of situation and he would be worried that the Hulk would inevitably show up and screw things up. The storyline with Joe flipped the formula on its head, and set up the Hulk with his great situation in Vegas and he was worried that Bruce would show up to screw things up. I had no idea that the character would have this much staying power, and that so much would eventually be done with him in the pages of the IMMORTAL HULK. I'm thrilled that Marvel has given me this opportunity to revisit with an old friend."
Written by PETER DAVID
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