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More Doctor Who Stuff – Writers, Pics, All That
Ooh is that a sonic screwdriver with Red settings?
The writers for Series Five of Doctor Who have been listed in the new Doctor Who Magazine… and no Neil Gaiman. Damn.
Steven Moffat, showrunner, grabs six of the episodes, including the two part with Weeping Angels and the return of the Doctor's possible future wife, River Song.
Mark Gatiss, who wrote The Idiot's Lantern brings us the World War II Daleks episode, mainstay Gareth Roberts writes one, Richard Curtis does the Vincent Van Gogh one, Toby Whithouse does the Venice vampire one, Chris Chibnall, I know I know, calm down, calm down, writes two, including the Silurian/Sea Devils episode, and creator of Men Behaving Badly and So How Do You Want Me writes one.
And here are some more shots from a recent outdoor shoot courtesy of Scott Frankton;
A little bit of Gogh action there?