Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: aliens, avengers, Comics, joss whedon, Marvel Studios
Thursday Trending Topics: Avengers Aliens, The Final Answer
So: The premiere was last night, embargoes are lifting, an increasing number of people have seen the movie, and spoilers are spoiling. One of the biggest Marvel (movie) Mysteries of the last few months stands revealed — we know who the aliens are. Now… I'm a sucker for spoilers. If I'm curious, I just can't help but look. I had a bunch of theories about this one, and so as not to spoil, I will just say this: they are not Poppupians.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
So We Finally Know Who Loki's Alien Army Are… But Does It Matter?
And amongst them, the final solution to the big Avengers mystery in a tea cup: who are those aliens?
The Dark Knight Rises: New Stills, Plot Details, Bat-iPads.
With all the excitement about The Avengers you might be forgiven for momentarily forgetting about a little independent flick called The Dark Knight Rises that's coming later this Summer.
JK Rowling's The Casual Vacancy For September
JK Rowling's publisher, Little Brown have revealed the basics in respect of her upcoming first novel for adults. Covering it here does make sense, honest, because, there's precisely zero percent chance this won't be a film.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Next Month's Buffy The Vampire Slayer Has Already Been Pirated
Almost all pirated and illegally uploaded comic books appear on the Wednesday the comic is on sale, sometime mere minutes after the books could have legally been bought off the shelf in a New York store. Iron Muslim, for example, went up at around 10.15am ET yesterday.
So… What Will Before Watchmen Actually Be Like?
DC Comics is set to show off Watchmen this weekend in Chicago. But it won't be the first time some folks will have seen the pages they are showing off. A number of "press screenings" have been taking place in DC Comics offices for the likes of USA Today, Comic Book Resources, The New York Daily News, Comics Alliance, the Washington Post, The Beat… or people a bit like them anyway. All wrapped up by Non Disclosure Agreements. But a few of them have started to leak…
An Interview With A Comic Book Pirate
On Wednesday I received this e-mail. With it, was attached a CBR file of Iron Muslim #1. It read;