Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: beer, Comics, entertainment, film, guardians of the galaxy, Space Cake
Booze Geek – Space Cake And Guardians Of The Galaxy
By Dylan Gonzalez
Beer: Space Cake Double IPA
Brewery: Clown Shoes Brewery
After a few long weeks of no alcohol intake, I have finally returned to the world of geeky beer. And as my return beverage, I had Clown Shoes' Space Cake Double IPA. Space Cake's killer artwork was what drew me to the bottle. The name Space Cakes lives up its name as intergalactic cupcakes pursue our hero Miracle Mike and his cybernetic sidekick dog, Bionic, shooting lasers every which way. Does it make sense? No, but how could I say no?
Space Cake was a golden copper color, featuring a hazy body and active carbonation. It created a thick, long lasting and foamy head. When I smelled it, I found a very strong scent of sweet clementine, as well as pine, hops and citrus notes.
When I drank it, it was bitter and hoppy at first, but as I enjoyed it, I found some more malt and creaminess character making their way forward. On the palate, the beer felt loose and went down well. The carbonation was surprisingly not too noticeable.
Overall, this was a rather good IPA, albeit a bit hoppy for me. I was hoping for the clementine scent to be present in the taste as well, but no such luck.
What to Drink This To:
I know that earlier in my series I had suggested the Guardians of the Galaxy comic paired with Clown Shoes Brewery's Galactica. Now, with the release of the film, I would recommend Space Cake to go with the James Gunn helmed movie blockbuster. Having seen it, I know that this brew would go well with the film. Heck, I could even see Peter Quill himself enjoying a pint of Space Cake on a layover somewhere in the universe.
As one final comment, I am dying to know who did the artwork for this bottle. I was getting a bit of a Salvador Larocca vibe from it, but I am fairly certain it is not he. Regardless, much praise to the artist at hand!
Dylan Gonzalez happens to love beer and comic books and luckily found a place to write about both because he has no idea how to actually make money in the real world. He lives in a cave in New Jersey.
Tweet him at @BeardedPickle, follow his own beer blog at email him at