Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Alan Moore, bbc 2
It's BBC 2, It's Thursday, It's 7 O'Clock, It's Alan Moore!
On BBC 2 this Thursday (England and Wales only, Scotland can go swivel), Alan Moore will be bringing The Culture Show cameras to explore the "biggest public art exhibition of Austin Osman Spare for over 50 years".
Spare was an Edwardian artist and practicing magician. Moore seeks to show why he has been ignored by general art history.
His work was described through his life as being intricate and accomplished but baffling. He championed the idea of cheap art, and created prodigiously in order to accomplish this feat and still make a living. Think of him as a soul partner to Sergio Aragones in that respect.
Certain aspects of his art can be explained in his interest in magic, believing the source of magic was the subconscious mind. His work with sigils has become very influential in the field of chaos magic, and it is thtis that may have attracted Alan Moore to the man's work – and presumably an attempt to revive it for art history.
Spare appears in the controversial Sex, Stars And Serpents titled Promethea #10, both on the cover and in prints appearing inside the comic, before making a characetr appearance (in two different versions of the man) in issues 15 and 20.
Details of the exhibition at the Cuming Museum in Southwark (just next to Titan Books/Magazines funnily) can be found here.