Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: cypher, doug ramsey, flight, new mutants, obama, superman, x-men
President Obama Chooses The Superpower Of… Doug Ramsey?
We know President Obama is a bit of a comic book geek, expressing a love of the Spider-Man and Conan comics. But what superpower would he like? You know, aside from being President and all.
He told KOB-FM in New Mexico a lot about his personal tastes, food, music… and then they asked what superpower he would like to have. Rather than being asked about national and internetional policy or the election campaign. He replied;
This sounds kinda a weird superpower but, if I had something that I could immediately wish for, I would love to be able to speak any language. Now that's a weird superpower, I know that it might not come in handy to rescue folks from a burning building but I've always wished that whatever country I've went to, wherever I've met somebody who spoke a different language that right away I could speak their language. im a great believer in making connections with people. But if it;s like an Avengers superpower, then the whole flying thing is pretty good… You can't beat swooping around, that looks like it might be fun.
Basically that's the superpower of Doug Ramsey, Cypher of the New Mutants…
You can hear the interview here