Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: blake lively, Comics, dollhouse, green lantern, joss whedon, mark texeira, red spike, ryan reynolds
Saturday Runaround – Signing By Willpower Alone
ReynoldsAndLivelyWatch: Signing at Wondercon…
What will be the first item to hit eBay?
SilverAgeWatch: College Humor brings us Batman Vs The Internet…
CrumbWatch: R. Crumb: Lines Drawn on Paper is on display until the end of the month at the Museum of American Illustration at the Society of Illustrators.
"It was never intended for that purpose, so it's always odd to see it on a wall, or under glass; it was intended for printing and books. It wasn't made as a wall hanging piece. For me, the printed copy is the magic moment. When I see it in print — that was the whole purpose of it."
WhedonWatch: Five issue series of Dollhouse to begin in July from Dark Horse Comics.
CompetitionWatch: Win this original Mark Texeria artwork to the cover of Red Spike #1.
Just buy the comic on release on May the 4th (Star Wars Day) from Image for the cover price of $1, take a photo of you with it and send it to the Facebook page.
DadComicWatch: DC to publish Retro Active comic line of one shots,
"RETRO-ACTIVE reunites classic writers and artists with classic characters Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, and Justice League of America, returning to the interpretations they are best known for. Each of these series will have 3 one-shots that pay homage respectively to the '70s, '80s, and '90s.
Superman's one-shots will be written by: Martin Pasko ('70s), Marv Wolfman ('80s), and Louise Simonson ('90s).
Wonder Woman's will be by: Dennis O'Neil ('70s), Roy Thomas ('80s), and William Messner-Loebs ('90s).
The Flash will be written by Cary Bates ('70s), William Messner-Loebs ('80s) and Brian Augustyn ('90s).
Justice League of America will be written by Cary Bates ('70s), Gerry Conway ('80s), and Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis ('90s).
Taking on Green Lantern will be Dennis O'Neil ('70s), Len Wein ('80s), and Ron Marz ('90s).
And writing the Batman titles will be Len Wein ('70s), Mike W. Barr ('80s), and Alan Grant ('90s).
Each one-shot will have 26 pages of all-new story, plus 20 pages of classic stories, and run $4.99 a pop.
SigningWatch: I'm off to Forbidden Planet in London for 1pm today, to sign the royal wedding comic book I wrote with artist Gary Erskine. If you can make it, I'd love to see you there. And you could probably get on the telly too…
This is The Bleeding Cool ComicChron Robot speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
Second Best April Fool Of The Day
Rob Granito, internationally known artist and illustrator, will write and draw his own biography comic for Bluewater Productions.
In Brightest Day: Green Lantern Impresses At WonderCon Panel – Comic Vine
The panel started off with a good six or seven-minute chunk of new footage, showcasing the hard work that hundreds of CGI artists are no doubt slaving away on even as we speak. It was much more impressive than the first trailer for the film, so let's break it down for you:
Dwayne Johnson Says 'Captain Marvel' Movie Is 'In Development Hell,' Denies 'Superman' Rumors
At this point, it seems like it will take the wisdom of Solomon, the strength of Hercules, and all of the other abilities that power Captain Marvel to make a movie about the "Shazam!"-shouting superhero actually happen.
WonderCon: Two New Thor Posters! –
Two new posters for Thor debuted today and were given out at WonderCon in San Francisco. You can check them out below.
New X-Men anime 2011 opening
New X-Men anime 2011 ending
Twilight Monk is a webcomic currently updated every Monday with 1-2 pages. The story follows a cursed monk (Mao) as he ventures out from his monastery and home, to find a cure to his affliction. I hope to bring the same sense of wonder and delight that my early comic book effort CreeD had brought to hundreds of thousands of people in this new modern format… only with a hell of a lot more kung fu!