Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: cannes, film, movie posters
Saturday Trending Topics: Zombie Ass
After reading Hanna Shaw-Williams' roundup of the most ridiculous movie posters at Cannes this year, I couldn't resist looking up the trailer for Zombie Ass. It does not disappoint:
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Cosplay Round-Up: Phoenix Comicon, Day Two
It's the second day of cosplay fun at Phoenix Comicon! The number of folks in costume was a bit overwhelming. The photos here only represent probably 1% of what was actually out there. More photos to come!
Marv Wolfman's New Comic With "Crisis" In The Title – UPDATED WITH ART
And at the London MCM Expo this weekend, it was announced that the property that Mike Wolfman, co-creator of Blade, Crisis On Infinite Earths and the New Teen Titans, would be reviving in comics form was Time Crisis, the laser pistol arcade game franchise that began in the nineties and can still be found in arcades today, as well as being ported onto all sorts of consoles. But at its heart is a gripping raid-and-rescue mission, that could form the backbone of a decent narrative…
Cosplay Round-Up: Phoenix Comicon, Day One
Enjoy this selection of cosplayers from Phoenix Comicon.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
The Top Ten Most Ridiculous Movie Posters At Cannes This Year
It can be difficult to make a movie stand out, especially in the independent market. Cinema has been around for well over a century and story-telling has been around for a few millennia, so it's getting hard to come up with an original idea that grabs an audience's attention from the title alone.
Kevin Eastman On The New Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And Our First Impressions Of Some Footage
Let's start with the footage, which comes from Nickelodeon's upcoming carton reboot. Proof that it's a reboot, if proof be need be? Hannah believes episode one to be an origin story, showing the turtles "coming up to the surface of the world for the first time."
Darth Maul's Boots, Levar Burton's Perception And Winning The Award For Best Sex Scene
The last major event I attended was the Bleeding Cool Awards panel, where I learned that Drunk Joe is a hilarious man. I also took home the award for Best Sex Scene, so I'll be bragging about that one Facebook for months.