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All The Non-Spoiler Reviews Of Doomsday Clock #1 So Far- Including New Page Of Art
Morning, Just woken up, made the kids their lunches, got them to school, and settled down with the embargoed allegedly non-spoiler Doomsday Clock #1 reviews that went live one hour ago. With this colour preview. Which comes with an extra page not in the ashcan. Am I going to have to annotate again?
"Oh, and Rorschach's resurrection? Only three pages after revealing the goop-faced vigilante, Doomsday Clock #1 twists the character in a more interesting direction than those taken by any of the hundreds of masked, monologuing imitators that have come after him." – Polygon
"While Doomsday Clock is the culmination of the DC Rebirth saga, it's also a direct sequel to Watchmen. The latter part takes precedence in this first issue, which may disappoint readers hoping for Johns and Frank to dive right into the conflict between Superman and Doctor Manhattan."- 8.9 out of 10 IGN
"The question of whether or not it "should exist" may be the only significant thing hanging over the issue. That seems like a pretty damn good starting point… And those pancakes you saw numerous comics and media types tweeting about? That will all make sense by the end of the issue, too." – Comic Book
"There's one panel in particular that absolutely chilled me to the bone, with Frank telling you all you need to know about a brand new character with nothing more than a facial expression. It's stunning, disturbing stuff." – 7.5 out of 10 Batman-News
"Several of the more overt homages to Watchmen in Doomsday Clock #1 fall flat. They do the book something of a disservice, really, because Doomsday Clock is much more impressive when it uses Watchmen as an inspiration than as a guidebook. The deconstructive, meta-fictional question the creative team poses through Doomsday Clock is its most subtextual, yet easily its best usage of the Watchmen brand. The original characters introduced here and their morbid senses of humor feel much more natural and refreshing than another lecture about how there are bad people on "both sides." And finally, the small peek that we do get to see of the DC Universe is easily Johns writing at his best, giving us a cliffhanger as chilling as touching steel on a winter's day." – The Beat
"That's for the time being, when the line between the world of the DC Universe and that of Rorschach and Ozymandias is only starting to blur." – Screen Rant
"This issue kicks things off with much of the elements Watchmen did, but doesn't quite get things going as far as how this all connects with the DC Universe. I suspect the second issue will flesh that element out, so patience is going to be required if you're expecting a good deal of explanation as far as where the creators intend to take this series. There's a long sequence that takes up much of this book that seems to drag — it makes its point, but lingers just too long. That only adds to the slight frustration you'll have by the end, not knowing where this could be going." 9 out 10 Adventures In Poor Taste
"in the attempt to modernize its narrative, Johns is losing a bit of the complexity that made Ozymandias's original campaign so treacherous and horrific and heroic — and relatable." – 7 out of 10 Comicosity
"Like I said, this is a sequel to Watchmen through and through, with Superman's "screentime" as it were being very minimal. Soon enough, we fully expect these two universes to collide in kind, but it's for the better that Johns spent much time focusing on the Charlton archetypes because it'd be downright disorienting if he thrust us headlong into such a monumental mashup." – 5 out of 5 We Got This Covered
"Much like the original series, there's back material that explains the world a bit more. We get newspaper clippings explaining where things stand and adds depth to the world and characters in a way that wouldn't be as easy through the regular narrative.
We do get some of the promise of Superman in this issue. It's brief but leaves you a bit with some of that nervousness of where things are going creating more of the mystery of what's to come. It's a literal nightmare, but what does it all mean?"- 9 out of 10 Graphic Policy
"Backing up Johns' assertion that this isn't going to be a series about Superman slugging it out with Doctor Manhattan, the Man of Steel plays only a small role in its first chapter. The pace is deliberate, and while there are action sequences, much of the narrative is driven by dialogue and the thoughts of an off-kilter narrator." – Fansided
"Unfortunately, this visual storytelling has made me realize a problem. What about the people who haven't read Watchmen? There are plenty of nods and references to the old series, which could leave some confused. Not everyone knows who Ozymandias is or what he has done. " – 4.8 out of 5 Monkeys Fighting Robots
Whether by virtue of the titans they're standing in the shadows of, or by the pressure of living up to the legacies they're attempting to build from, both Johns and Frank are at the top of their game here. The book is beautiful and worth studying, both for the plot and for the technicality of the storytelling — the nine panel grid is having a really good year at DC, that much you can be sure of. – CBR
" While it probably won't be as groundbreaking as the original story it follows, the first issue is compelling, and the creative team behind the mini-series is a trustworthy team, one that you should feel comfortable with telling this story. The story feels logical, as the events leading up to this in Rebirth and the Batman/Flash crossover "The Button" have prepared readers for the Watchmen's arrival. "- Gamespot
"Now don't go thinking you're going to get a big old combination of both Watchmen and DC superheroes in this book because while this is the bridge to both those worlds, this issue primarily sets up what's been going on since Ozymandias tried to fool the world into peace and as far as that aspect to the story goes………. It was pretty decent and the art looked great. Sadly, it really feels like people who aren't Watchmen fans might be lost in this event so far" – 7.8 out of 10 Weird Science DC Comics
"And yes, there's even the additional matter — press clippings and the like. I suppose if you're going to do this, you need to do it all. I would have been fine either way, but it's another way Johns, Frank and DC are acknowledging they're going to be judged. If you're going to do a sequel, you might as well put all the cards on the table, right But, please, no Black Freighter, huh? That shit was a drag." – 13th Dimension
"Opening seven years after the final pages of Watchmen, the world is closer to destruction than ever, long buried secrets have been revealed, and it's not clear who is a greater danger to the population – the world's governments or the people rioting in the streets." – Den Of Geek
Bleeding Cool did not agree to embargo restrictions for Doomsday Clock #1. Our articles will run later in the week. Oh and in the now-coloured preview, a new page not in the ashcan…
Oh go on then. There is no real-life Morning Joe pancake place in New York. Reference to the current MSNBC TV show? Rorschach is more of a Fox And Friends guy…
This Rorschach seems more gentle than the one he had evolved into at the end of Watchmen, and his facial markings are different enough to indicate someone else is under the mask.
It has been 31 years since the publication of Watchmen…
Doomsday Clock #1 by Geoff Johns and Gary Frank is published on Tuesday night at 11.57pm from DC Comics.