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Secrets And Lies In Heroes In Crisis #3
Thanks to blogger Rikdad for his blogpost looking at the Heroes In Crisis series so far – will illustrations we've sourced to back up what he's seeing. We've been talking about the potential use of an unreliable narrator as you have Sanctuary making Holosuite-style arrangements for residents – so there's no guarantee that anything is happening for real. But Rikdad puts this down page and panel....
1) The trio of greeter androids inside the house is an older couple (who resemble the Kents) and a younger woman. In HIC #1, the younger woman is black.
In HIC #3, she is white with red hair in a ponytail.
And now based on Lana Lang…. Puddlers are part of the process of refining iron. A Metal crossover?
2) The cluster of dead heroes outside the house is considerably different in HIC #1 and HIC #3. Lagoon Boy and Hotspot are feet-together in #1….
but heads-together in #3.
Those around them include Commander Steel in #1 and Red Devil in #3.
Basically none of the details match.
3) Wally's costume leg is ripped in #1.
In #3, he's killed with a single blow to the head. There'd be no reason for his costume leg to become ripped.
See the rest of his points, but there are a few more to add.
Such as the bodies of Wally West and Roy Harper above, left outside on the porch and, when Superman turns up, inside the house. Again, more visual consistencies, are unreliable narrators at play?
Sanctuary creates a Booster Gold for Booster Gold to talk to. Maybe the duplicate is the one who escaped and fought with Harley Quinn, explaining how Harley Quinn was able to get past his forcefield and stab him with a butter knife?
The last revealed name of the dead is Nemesis. Thomas Andrew Tresser, ex of Wonder Woman, vigilante turned US agent and known as the Master Of Disguise. He's worked with Batman and joined the Suicide Squad. He died, but was suddenly alive again, suspected of masquerading as Sergeant Rock in Suicide Squad.
Could he have pulled a similar trick again? Who is he in Heroes In Crisis? More than just someone with a golden mask? And will his role lead to those Suicide Squad rumours we've heard about.
Not necessarily. I've also heard there been talk of rewriting upcoming issues of the series to counter that…